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stuff n things

Back to school last week :(

But on Thursday I'm going to Tasmania. w00t w00t! It may seem strange that I'm going on holiday right after I go back to school, but technically its the government's fault. *Nods convincingly* My sister goes to private school and I go to state. This year our holidays are different.

Today we had to fill out this random Government Survey thing about our school. My teacher said that its just statistics that the government collects, but I'm not so sure... Last term we had to do fitness testing, where they wanted to know our body mass index and crap like that. This information, as I was told by our sports teacher, also goes to the government. Why does the government need to know our BMIs? I'm open to theorys.

On a lighter, less paranoid note, I think it is cause for celabration that I managed to buy and watch all nine seasons (201 episodes) of The X Files over a period of five months. Muhaha! the collection is complete. *blows popper*

I feel I should also include a belated Happy Birthday to Smeagol, who still forbids my to use her real name. She's probably not going to read this for a while though because we bought her all the seasons of Charmed. But anyhoo...

lol it has a hat.

Buh-Bye for now darlinks.
