What ever happened to gaming just being gaming? Why does a persons sexuality, race or gender have to be wrapped up in it? Why hasn't a tall, blonde, German been the main character of a Grand Theft Auto game? I'm going to stomp my feet and throw a fit now. ......lol
Why cant we all just shut the **** up and play games?
I see the people who complain about women wanting better characters representing us in games, say this same thing.... And yet, they are not following their own advice. They respond by complaining that adding strong female, LGBT or black characters is somehow ruining their games. Why is that? What happened to just enjoying the games? ;O)
I have not read a single comment like that in all my time on the internet.
At least on GameSpot, what I have read was the huge demand for intriguing characters instead of catering to one race, gender, or sexual orientation. If that means expanding the targeted demographics through new types of characters then that is what will be accepted.
However, I would not be surprised if there actually are individuals who would literally take offense at what is being proposed because of the fact that minorities are going to be represented more.
Then you clearly must live in a cave and don't pay attention to what goes on. The examples of males being angry about strong female characters are endless. There have been plenty of those arguments made on here since I started posted here. Look at the Tomb Raider issue. Many males were upset because of the changes and accused the devs of bowing down to the "feminist agenda." And remember the Battlefield 3 incident when people were upset about one of the characters being changed from white to black? The devs were accused of bowing down to the "PC Police." Remember the gay controversy from mass effect 3? The devs were accused of once again bowing to the pc police. LOL
I do not believe that. Also, I dislike how you focused on one part of my comment when it is all relevant to this conversation.
Don't believe what? If you don't believe any of those things happened, feel free to research them. Google is your friend.
For example, if you want to know about the black/white BF3 controversy then feel free to go to the Battlefield forum and type "black medic" in the search. Enjoy the endless complaints about it.
Here is a funny Battlefield Friends video they did involving the black/white controversy on BF3.
I do not believe that the examples are endless and I think this situation is being exacerbated by exaggeration. Yes, there are misogynists, racists, and many other individuals who say and do evil things who happen to play video games. In my experience, they have been a vocal minority.
This is an important issue and equally crucial to addressing it at all is giving it proper representation. Unless you clarify, it seems like you and others are saying the majority of video game players are these people. Again, I am asserting that is not true and we need clarity in this type of situation because it is easy to stereotype.
No, they are not even close to being a small minority but I also never said that most gamers are like that. I said a large percentage. Neither of us obviously knows exactly how many there are but based on my own experience, I would guess probably about 35% of the gaming community right now. No offense but some of you seem to live in a bubble and just aren't seeing what many of us see every day.
Ahh... one of the aforementioned ass hats.
Don't even waste time on him. I stopped responding to his stupidity already. I'm sure it won't be long before he manages to get himself banned and then he will cry about censorship. LOL
She responds to me all the time. LOL. :O), putting this in my blog #troll
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