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My Birthday Party!

My Birthday party was great! Thank you very much Ash and Hannah for teaching me to ice skate. I mean I could sort of iceskate before, but they actually had me skating and gliding on my own, which is a Yay! of greatness, because I mean how great is that! I've always wanted to be able to iceskate.

However, my ankles are sorely bruised from the iceskating shoes. That and my thighs are sooooo sore.

We ate great Chinese food and then went to the bookstore, which while it may sound geeky,  it was a lot of fun. We went to party city and took pictures of us in Halloween costumes. We went to Denny's and ate a chocolate brownie with ice cream and some sort of pie thing with carmel. Han and Ash sang Happy Birthday to me, as they somehow managed to buy birthday candles from Party City without my knowledge and get it onto my brownie. All the time, I was wearing a crazy birthday hat and a balloon attached to my wrist. Then we watched Buffy episodes and ate more Chinese food until it was 1:30 AM.

It was a great party and tons of fun. Thanks guys.