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The new me....

So I figured I ought to spend a small portion of my time chronicling the new evil me.

I woke up and decided that I wanted to have another slice of Birthday cake though already woefully full of cake.

Good me: "No you probably shouldn't"

Evil me: "I don't care, I want it and now. Also look what I can do..(does a handstand and starts doing one armed push-ups).

Me: I don't see how that's really im-"

Good me: "No no, he's got a point there.."

My stomach now hurts worse because I listened to one or both of these shoulder angels.

Good me: Laughs like this, "hahahha," or "hehehee"

Evil me: Laughs like this, "Bwahahahahaha!!!!!"

Both of me's now currently balancing on a yoga ball while typing, why? Because some things in life are so great, that no matter who you are or where you go, you just have to do them. That and it's excercise for my overfull tummy.