@JarodRF Right. If anything, they should talk about how video games like this have actually helped some people feel used to seeing blood & gore, because then we don't have a new generation of med school students acting like whimps the first time they see it in reality. Not to mention all the studies that say video games can raise skills like hand-eye coordination & multitasking.
These idiots always try to blame the biggest games recently released because they just want to have a negative audience towards it. NEWS FLASH: NOBODY CARES. GTA V is violent, but the millions of people playing it outnumber the few psychopaths in the world who go & do stupid stuff. Stop looking for moronic excuses to pin tragedies on, it's getting old.
@gamer4ever7777 @pwnater777 No. The game is based completely on immaturity & whatever is popular from the last year or two. Just like the 3rd, this game will be targeted at gamers with a crude sense of humor, and will lack any real depth needed to be a quality game. It will be awful.
@Slim_Lyrics @pwnater777 The only good that guy's ever done for me is give me Borderlands Golden Keys. Never heard of him before he started putting up the codes for them.
Why do they have to comment on the whole video-game-induced violence topic? Video games are just the newest scapegoat for tragedies, like how rock music used to be.
pwnater777's comments