@TomMcShea @pyroman93 I appreciate your willingness to respond to and challenge my claim. CoD might not be relevant to this video, but I believe I could point to almost any modern game series these days as doing one of two things: staying exactly the same or upsetting fans with a different formula. There are some wonderfully executed sequels, but I feel they're the exception rather than the rule. While I know that games series need to constantly evolve in order to stay fresh, every change entails some risk, and no series can maintain both freshness and quality for long.
Nintendo sells their consoles with their first-party games. If they don't have a lineup of strong Mario and Zelda titles to advertise their brand, their hardware sales will decline, which in turn leads to faltering software sales. Simply put, because Nintendo doesn't traditionally get AAA multiplatform games like Battlefield, Assassin's Creed or Mass Effect, their entire business strategy hinges on the games of their established brands having that irreplaceable "Nintendo feel." If there's always such pressure to produce quality, I imagine it's in Nintendo's best interests to take the least amount of risks in their software lineup.
However, I really would appreciate a new major IP. After Metroid Prime ended, Nintendo should have put Retro in charge of a completely new console-seller, nothing to do with Mario or Zelda but with a similar budget. Also, maybe some IP revivals would be nice. We've been waiting for the next installments of F-Zero and Star Fox longer than Episode Three. Still, I maintain that while some variety in IPs would be nice, I totally get why Nintendo doesn't take risks with their mainstay franchises. I just wish they would add more franchises to that list.
also **** gamespot for targeting Nintendo and not CoD. At least with Nintendo it's part of a cohesive hardware+software business strategy, with Activision it's just milking a franchise.
From a business perspective, I actually don't think Nintendo needs to change much as long as they keep hooking in the 8-12 year old crowd, which cycles out every couple of years. The Wii U is another story....I don't think Nintendo understands that if they just had one or two "modern" AAA franchises (like Uncharted, Halo, Gears, etc) they could reel in serious numbers of 18-35 year olds who grew up with Nintendo.
@rem234 If it's truly open-platform, this could potentially bring mods to consoles, making the steam box the ideal console for all multi-platform titles. That, combined with a built-in Steam store (and perhaps no DVD drive at all) would inevitably shake up MS and Sony's pricing strategies concerning DLC and premium services, not to mention Steam's current domination over the growing market for indie games. The Steam Box might not reinvent the games industry, but it will push it in exactly the right direction.
@twizzickle The point he's making is that the NRA's condemnation of video games isn't a genuine one. When the NRA blamed violent media, it wasn't really looking for a solution, but just trying to find something other than guns to blame for gun violence.
"Called Arms Race and Demolition, they both remove the classic purchasing mechanic and instead award you with a new weapon, instantaneously, when you make a kill. Depending on server settings, weapon awards generally go up in deadliness from an initial lousy weapon, reach an acme, and then begin to go down in usefulness, usually forcing you at last to use nothing but your knife."
Get your facts straight, GS. Only one of those game modes matches that description.
David Cage has it right. The lack of mature and emotional experiences gaming has to offer is killing the industry just as much as iPad/Kinect casuals, just in a less overt way.
@Ladiesman17 He's comparing artistic merit. Film has Stanley Kubrick, music has Radiohead, theatre has just about everyone who's involved, why doesn't gaming have anyone trying to find meaning? Gaming these days has a serious lack of emotional impact, and I agree with Cage that with all this technology, developers really should be trying to produce games that offer more than "now you can kill people THIS way."
@HackedLife .....or Wii U? You know, the console that's been announced? No games shown so far at E3 have been confirmed for Wii U (except a small few like ACIII) because Nintendo is still holding the NDA until their press conference. I'd be shocked if this didn't come to the Wii U.
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