I'm stuck on the "Walk this way" odd job in Shen Long. Can somebody please either tell me how to do this, or at least point me to a walkthrough?
qu1nlan's forum posts
So, I have an original Xbox. I've had this problem for as long as I've owned it, where if there's no game in the tray, the tray won't open (when I press the open button, it just makes the whirring noise, and I can tell that it's trying to open, but it won't). Basically, this isn't a problem if I just never leave the tray empty. But unfortunately, I accidentally closed it last week with no disk in the tray. In the past when this has happened, I've just been able to fix it by persistantly pressing the open button a few dozen times, and eventually it would finally open. But I swear I've been doing it over a period of weeks, hundreds of times, to no avail. Does anybody know how I can fix this problem?
Can somebody please tell me how I can even do 4 player LIVE co-op? I have LIVE, and I do matchmaking all the time, but I've never done campagin in LIVE and I have no idea how. Please let me know, or if you can help me with this achivement, party me ASAP.
GT: Qu1nlan
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