..writing a blog each day of my vacation. :P Back to the same ole schtuff now. :| (Which includes the usual drama's)
Hmmm, what to say, what to say.
Excuse me I have to sneeze.
Recent headlines:
- Been raining allot here and running about 15 degrees cooler than usual. Nice sleeping weather.
- Just lostmajor money my company stock plan. They are forcing us to sell it back (at current market value) because of a merger, which really sucks. Bought for 25 bucks, selling for 4.50 a share. Not cool.
- Zilla is in the cage at the moment, but we know that wont last forever.
- I have been getting mystery stains on my rug lately and it has been making me paranoid. I just had the rugs cleaned a few weeks ago too, dammit.
- Waiting impatiently for Friday, or for the next time I can just chill out and play video games alone.
Now back to our regularly scheduled program.