Even if he wanted to kill thousands of Americans there would be no way in heck the goverment could pull something like this off. Look at Watergate, if they can't cover a breakin at a chessy hotel how could they cover something on the scale of 9/11 up.
They got Cheney to shoot a senator
While I don't believe in the Conspiracy I have to admit they wanted to destroy the planes with Fighter jets but called it off and if they couldn't reach it time or it was too dangerous to use fighters in a city (I believe it was the later) why couldn't they use Ground to air missiles? The fact they didn't want to try and save 2000+ people is sort of suspicious even though people would have been killed in the process it would have at least saved 2000 or more people and they were going to die any way unless the laws of physics suddenly stopped.
Shoot a senator? care to give more info on that. I only remember him shooting a lawyer.
They wanted to destory what planes with fighters? First it was chaos and people don't know what is going on you can go around shooting down planes. Second normally with highjackings the highjackers just land, so no need to shot the plane down. Also it takes time to get jets off the ground. Afew weeks after 9/11 soem nutjob kid stole a small plane here in Tampa, flew over MacDill (where CENTCOM is located). Figthers got to Tampa after the kid crashed into the Bank of America Tower in Downtown Tampa. Thankfully the kid was the only one who died, or was hurt. But it showed that we don't have crack teams of fighter pilots ready to jump into their jets.
Ground to air missiles take alot of time to set up.
Link He shoots a Campaign contributer
They wanted to destroy the hijacked Boeing 747s with a group of fighters In a near by area I can not find an article about it though but I remember hearing something about this.
And if they had a military base near by doing a training mission or something of the sorts they could have easily set up Surface to Air missiles.
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