Hey everybody!
So today was a pretty exciting day. Me and one of good my friends (sweet_ride to be exact) went to this Anime thing called JAFAX. Don't ask me what it stands for, because I don't remember. Now - I'm not one of those people that likes to dress up or anything, we pretty much just like to go to see what new animes are out and to look for some sweet merchandise.
I love FF merchandise, I am such an FF "fangirl" (almost) that I'll pretty much buy anything FF-related. I also love plushies. Well, lo and behold, I got a Chocobo Plushie!! He's soooo cute! He kind of looks like the Chocobos from Chocobo's Dungeon, Chocobo Racing, FF Fables, etc. and he is winking. He is so adorable - I've always wanted a Chocobo plushie, and now I finally have one! I would post a picture of him, but I do not have a digital camera. :( Someday! :P Other plushies I would like to get are a Moogle and Vivi. I also want to start collecting FF action figures. They are just very cool. I almost bought a Balthier one, but it was a bit pricey, so I went for the Chocobo instead. All in all, a good day's work! :)
Another thing that I started thinking about - at JAFAX, a lot of artists were selling their art. So I thought I might sell mine next year. Of course, that will require me to do a lot more drawing than I currently am doing (which is pretty much nothing). :P I wonder if it would actually sell, you know? A lot of stuff at JAFAX was selling, and I think that my art is better than some of the stuff there - so I guess we'll have to see!
Nothin' else is really new. I had the strangest urge to play FF8 the other day, which is weird because I don't even like that game too much. Although the beginning is good, I really start disliking it towards the end of the second disc. I also have a weird urge to play a SNES RPG. Maybe Chrono Trigger? I haven't started it yet because I really need to finish Final Fantasy XII!!!!! I dunno why I haven't yet...
Alright, that is all for today. I hope everyone's day is going great! :D