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Due for an Update...

...Don't you think? :P

How is everybody doing? What is everybody up to?

I have been keeping busy...working and such. Although I am not up to 40 hours at Starbucks, I get weird enough shifts to keep me busy during the days. Today I had to go to a 3.5-hour training session at another store. It was a sort of new employee training and we got to taste a lot of different coffees and learn about the company. It was kind of boring, but at least we got free samples and got to taste about 4 or 5 different coffees! Not too bad...and of course, I got paid for it - even better! ;) I am planning on picking up more hours for either people from my store, or other stores. I left my number at some different places and hopefully I'll get a call. If not - I'll just bug people at my home store. :P

Speaking of my home store, I might transfer to a store that's closer to my house. I am not sure if I will though because I really like the store I'm in now and although it's further from my house, it's closer to school. So I am still thinking it over...not sure what I'm going to do just yet...

I haven't been able to go to the beach yet this summer. :( I had tried to make a goal of it - to become a beach bum even - but no such luck yet. friends and I might hit the beach this Thursday - longest day of the year/first official day of Summer! And it's my day off too! :D What luck!;)

Not too much gaming for me lately...I am not on my PC often because it heats up my room way too much. We live on the third floor of our apartment building, and it is already hot up here as it is, and I only have one window in my room too, so I usually don't use the computer too much during the summer days. I miss my Oblivion. :( But I have been playing a bit of FFVI advance, I'm in the floating continent just trying to get everyone to learn all the magic so far. What I should be doing is working on FFXII...

I kinda wanna get Odin Sphere.

I have also been doing quite a bit of guitar playing... I learned how to play The Beatles' Blackbird in the matter of a day - it's so much fun! That's definitely one of my favourite Beatles songs, it's so beautiful. I plan on tackling Dear Prudence, Hey Bulldog, and Lady Madonna next. The last two on piano, of course. ;)

I kind of want to start up drawing again, but I have no inspiration and can't think of anything to draw. Suggestions anyone? Preferably FF-related. :P

I think that's about all that's been going on. I hope everyone's been doing great!

