It's true. I do.
And by help, I mean - I need help with some games! :)
I am trying to buy as many "last-gen" games (ie. GCN, PS2, xbox) now that they are so much cheaper. What do you guys recommend? I am looking mostly for PS2 and xbox games as I have quite a bit of GCN games already (although recommendationsn there wouldn't hurt either :P). Here is a list of all my ps2/xbox games:
Final Fantasy XII
Katamari Damacy
We Love Katamari
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
Soul Calibur III
(oh, don't recommend Final Fantasy X, because I do not want that game)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Deux Ex: Invisible War
Halo 2
Half-Life 2
GTA: Vice City
Games I plan to buy for either console:
Odin Sphere
Lego Star Wars (both) birthday's in about a month and in my family, we always make lists for the stuff we want. And I know I want videogames this year (I haven't gotten a videogame as a gift from my family in like...three years...) so I want a nice big list so they'll have a lot to choose from!:twisted: :P
In other [game related] news -
E3 is upon us! And I feel completely out of the loop. :( As nerdy as this sounds - my friends and I (linkoot98, sweet_ride) are going to watch Nintendo's press conference tomorrow at noon (EST)! I am excited! I've always loved Nintendo's press conferences. :) I wonder what will be in store? I am looking forward to Metroid Prime 3, Mario Galaxy, FF:CC (both Wii and DS), No More Heroes, Brawl, Phantom Hourglass...etc. I might watch Sony's. For some reason, the PS3 is starting to intrigue me...
As far as other companies go (*ahem* SE...), I am hoping I will hear about: Last Remnant, FFXIII/versus, Revenant Wings, FF:CC, Fallout 3, Bioshock, Hellgate: London...
Although I am sure a lot of these won't make an appearance since E3 is so much smaller this year. :(
In general news -
My car might be breaking down? I don't made this crazy sound on my way home from a friend's house last night...but was fine today. Cars are crazy, you know? Such a necessity (around here) but such a nuisance. I just wish I could ride my bike everywhere! So much better for the environment, for myself and it would save me so much money! :P
My 4th of July was fun! I went downtown with two of my closest friends to see the fireworks. It was a lot of fun! The fireworks were great! The "grand finale" was insane! Although I have to admit - it wasn't as good as last year's since there was no ash falling on us this time. :P
(Seriously...we were covered in ashes by the end of the night.)
Work-related -
Well...the new store near me won't open until September now. So I've got two more months to be at the Waterfalls store. I'm fine with that I guess. I really love that store a lot though. However, switching stores will give me a better chance for a promotion... :D
Gamespot related -
I got promoted to Officer status at SEE! :D :D I am so excited! Some great things are to be expected from this union soon...just watch out...heh heh.
Speaking of which, I got an idea for a 4th edition for the SEE Expresso Comic Strip! It's going to be a promo for our crazy and massive Hurt & Heal. I will probably draw it tonight.
OH! SPEAKING OF DRAWING!!! My tablet came in about two weeks ago!! (I forgot to mention anything about that...) It's probably the most amazing thing ever. It's beautiful. It works so well. I wonder - how did I ever settle for a mouse!? :P *EDIT* Someone asked me to post something once I got my tablet. Well, here's a little something.
Well folks, I've babbled on for long enough. If you read this far - thank you! I hope everyone's having a fantastic July!