Purchased on launch day on October 31st of 2006, I didn't beat this game until recently - July 31st, 2007. Exactly 9 months after purchase. Clocked in at 107 hours, 08 minutes. (However, this is not the exact time as the game does not allow you to save once you beat the final boss.)
Final Stats:
- Vaan:
LV: 52
Weapon: Save the Queen
Armour: Dragon Mail
Helm: Black Mask
Accessory: None
- Balthier:
LV: 52
Weapon: Fomalhaut with Onion Shots/Wyrmfire Shots/Dark Shots
Armour: Dragon Mail
Helm: Black Mask
Accessory: Golden Amulet
- Fran:
LV: 53
Weapon: Perseus Bow with Lightning Arrows
Helm: Black Mask
Armour: Dragon Mail
Accessory: Golden Amulet
- Basch:
Weapon: Deathbringer holding an Aegis Shield
Helm: Black Mask
Armour: Dragon Mail
Accessory: None
- Ashe:
LV: 53
Weapon: Deathbringer holding an Aegis Shield
Helm: Black Mask
Armour: Dragon Mail
Accessory: None
- Penelo:
LV: 53
Weapon: Save the Queen
Helm: Black Mask
Armour: Dragon Mail
Accessory: None
License Board
Complete - all characters.
Espers Obtained - 8/13
Belias, Zalera, Adrammelech, Famfrit, Exodus, Shemhazai, Hashmal, and Mateus.
Clan Centurio
Hunts Completed: 34/45
Clank Rank reached: Knight of the Round (at 1,963,413 points).
Sky Pirate's Den
Balthier, Fran, Migelo, Basch, Montblanc, Gurdy, Trickster, Chocobo, Vayne, Penelo, Ashe, and Reks.
Last thoughts:
Final Fantasy XII is one of those games that I thought very differently of at first. When I read of the changes Square was making to the battle system, I was upset. Then I heard of Nobuo Uematsu's leave - I was even more upset. I had almost lost complete faith in my favourite series. But after playing the demo which was packaged with Dragon Quest VIII - my uneasiness with the battle system ceased. After my first playthrough and hearing the music from the opening movie, I thought that maybe Hitoshi Sakimoto wasn't so bad after all.
Fast forward nine months later I have finished the game, deemed it on par with Final Fantasy VI (my favourite game of all time), and own the soundtrack (not to mention, listen to it constantly.) Today, I bought the special edition guide (cover: Penelo) and plan on finishing up everything I've missed.
Final Fantasy XII has allowed me to once again believe in the Final Fantasy series after I was left so disappointed with Final Fantasy X. This is definitely going to be a game that I will always remember and play through more than once. I believe this to definitely be one of the best (if not the best) games in the series.
Celes RECOMMENDS this game.
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