Well...I did it. I beat Final Fantasy XII. About...hmmm...10 minutes ago I believe.
I know - you'd think I was more excited, and I am. But I am also really really sad. It's very strange! The last 4 hours or so of that game were so
incredible...that it's sad to see the fresh experience gone. :( The ending was fantastic - one of the best I've ever seen. But I guess I'm just really
sad to see it go. If I were to rate this game, I believe I'd give it a 9.6. Not a perfect 10 'cause it obviously had flaws, but it has been one of the
best Final Fantasy games I've experienced in a long time.
As I sat taking everything in from the events at Ridorana Cataract/Pharos to the very last cutscene, I was debating whether it was my favourite Final Fantasy of all time or not. I still can't decide. It's a toss-up. I am glad that I am also playing FFVI (the other favourite) at the moment so I can compare the two games. I think I will be able to decide soon enough.
I am glad that the story wrapped up so well! Although...there was one thing that really bothered me:
I know Balthier and Fran lived but why didn't they show them in the last CG?? While Penelo is narrating she mentions that her and Vaan are going to go visit them but still...I would have liked to have seen them one last time. :( Oh well! They are definitely the best pair out of any Final Fantasy game! I just love those two!!
(Thank you Effkay for the spoiler tag explanation!!! :) )
It's funny how I didn't really like most of the cast at the very beginning of the game, but as the story unfolded and I continued to play,
I gained respect for each and every character.
See ya around guys