Hahaha, everyone else is doing it, so I thought ah, what the hell!
(Besides, I've got another little tidbit of news, besides just school :P)
Tuesday the 4th
Anyway....so...it's back to school this week! Tuesday was my first day bright and early at 7:45am. Parking wasn't too bad that day - since it was so early. And I only had one c.lass - Architectural 3D CAD. We didn't do too much....just started on a floor plan. I got out at 10:00am.
Later that day I had to work from 11:15am-3:15pm! A short "princess shift" as we like to call them over here at my store. :P When I was done with that I headed home and just sat around for a while. Nervous. Why? Well...I am not sure if I have mentioned it before but I've been quite interested in the Art Institute of Illinois - Chicago for quite some time now. I requested info and the school called me. I talked to this guy Kent and we set up a phone interview for 6pm on the 4th of September. Now do you see why I was nervous? :P
Anyway, he called at about quarter after 6 and he said that he just wanted to talk with my mom and I for about 45 minutes to an hour to fill us in with info. Well...turns out we ended up chatting for almost 2 hours! The interview was really informative and he answered all our questions. Well...this school ROCKS. He said that I did the interview sooo well and that he is going to recommend me to the applications board. He says I need to fill in my app (and do my portfolio :?) by the end of the month if I want to get in by January. Yes, THIS January...as in 4 months from now!!! That is super nerve wrecking for me...I had it planned out in my head that I wanted to leave for Fall '08, not 4 months from now! I am weird when it comes to my plans changing too drastically like that...so I was a bit of a nervous mess the days after. I am doing better now but I really need to get into gear and start working on my portfolio!! I am going to call him back on Monday and ask him some more questions about that and other things.
Oh, by the way, what will my major be in? Game Art & Design. :D Basically it's just tons of art c.lasses and a bunch of cool game stuff. They set you up with an internship your junior/senior year which by the time you graduate you become an employee of.
So that was my Tuesday...
Wednesday the 5th
Back to school again! This time I had three c.lassess: Survey of American Government, Western Civilization - 1500, and Art History. Well...I guess I would've had three c.lasess if it wasn't for parking being the most horrible thing in the world. I arrived at school at about 9am (my c.lass started at 9:30am) and waited in line...for 50 minutes!!!! Needless to say...I missed my c.lass :( When I finally managed to get in and find a parking spot it was 10:10am. Grr...I was upset! I dinked around in the library for a while until my next c.lass started at 12:45pm. Which was Western Civ. It was an OK c.lass although my prof. is hilarious! We got out 15 minutes early (at 2:45pm) and then I had Art History at 3:15pm. We had to do the typical "introduce yourself and say something unique about ourselves" thing, which sucked, and then she talked about the c.lass and gave us a syllabus. The c.lass is supposed to go until 4:45pm but she let us out at 4:15pm.
I didn't have to work that day! Yay!
Thursday the 6th
Last day of my first week of school. I only had Architectural 3D CAD and that was it! I got to go to home by 10am! Whee! No work!
So anyway..school...it's not too bad this year. Better than last year. I can't wait 'till this semester is over with though...just 'cause I could be in Chicago by January. :D :D :D
This weekend looks to be full of work. Tonight I am closing, Saturday I have an 8 hour mid-day shift, and Sunday I have an 8 hour morning shift. But that is OK! Because then I can save up for Chicago! :D
See ya around guys!
- Celes