It is a Growing Problem in today gaming world, it has Destroyed Familes, Ruined Careers and even may push some to crime. It is defined as playing compulsively, isolating Ones self from social contact and focusing almost entirely on in-game achievements rather than life events.
those who overuse video games often find themselves more successful in conducting virtual relationships than real world relationships. A 2004 study on internet addicts, which population includes online gamers, found four common indicators of those who are supectable are: (1) shyness, (2) lack of spiritual faith, (3) belief that others control their lives, and (4) an elevated belief in chance as an influence on their lives. Some theory's stae than-in reward systems of the games to explain their addictive nature.
Some psycgologists and parents' groups have criticized video games because they believe they cause children to sit alone in the television room for many hours in a row, interacting with a machine rather than running and playing outside as they exercise and improve their social skills by playing with other children. They claim that video games can be even more Addicting that Television , and therefore more likely to isolate them socially in this way. Some studies have purported that there is a correlation between depression and Playing computer games.
The American Medical Association in 2007, is considering ****fiying Game Addiction as a Mental Illness. Though not Officaly recognized by the AMA, some consiter game addiction is said to be an impulse control disorder, the symptoms include regular or repetitive displays of at least five of the following:
1. Persistent thoughts of the activity or performance of the activity.(Preoccupation)
Use of activity to escape problems or relieve bad mood.(Preoccupation)
2. Need for increased time spent on the activity to achieve satisfaction or diminished reward for the same amount of time spent on the activity.(Tolerance)
3. Inability to control, stop or diminish the behavior.(Loss of control)
4. Restlessness or irritability when prevented from partaking in the activity.(Withdrawal)
5. Lying to friends or family about extent of involvement with activity.(Continuance despite adverse consequences)
6. Committing illegal acts to sustain activity.(Continuance despite adverse consequences)
7. Jeopardizing or losing relationships, career or educational opportunities to pursue activity.(Continuance despite adverse consequences)
8. Relying on others to finance activity.(Continuance despite adverse consequences)
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