@gamefreak215jd Don't expect for Star Citizen to become a full game before 2016. Games take a lot of time to make, specially a game with the ambition of Star Citizen.
Laughed my ass off with how Jess Macdonell stated the obvious about the piece of plastic and ps4's update, funny girl. Hot too! Sorry, you always say "Let me know" so I let you know.
The game is great, I m playing it on PC and the graphics are amazing, gameplay is what you expect from previous arkham's, amazing as well. Story so far seems pretty cool and the presentation is top notch.
Does it innovate? No. It just improves, in my opinion, what arkham asylum and arkham city brought us already. Having played both previous arkham's, Origins seems the better game so far. Plus it has a really cool and intense multiplayer.
Rating it a 6/10 is just silly. Feels like carolyn is trying to stir up some controversy just for the sake of it. Granted, its just her/his opinion, but this influences a lot of people who just rely in scores to buy their games.
It's as simple as this, if you enjoyed both previous Arkham's you're gonna love this. For me this game is an easy 9/10 and I was expecting it to be a lot worse since it seemed like they were trying to milk the arkham's franchise on current gen.
@petez34 I've been playing it since yesterday, its complex as hell but I've been enjoying it a lot. I've mostly played WoW, tried a bit of Rift and DCUO and played a lot of SWTOR too so its refreshing to see an MMO like this.
It's a player/community driven sandbox where players rule the world in open pvp, you're only pvp safe at the beginning while learning the game. The world is a constant living place, even when you log out, your character stays in the world doing tasks such as guarding your school, fishing, selling your good in a shop stal, leveling your skills.
There are scheduled events where schools and guilds attack each other, spy on each other, patrol their school for spies, steal information scrolls etc, i m still a huge noob at this and uncovered a very small part of the game. But a player besides being a guild master, you can also become a school master, its a pretty cool sense of accomplishment I guess. There are 8 different schools where each school represents your character classe and combat style. There are tons of crafting and gathering skills. There is a big sense of a living world happening around you. You can choose to go about your business, to craft your stuff, to do normal pve quests and instances, gank people and become a criminal, become a criminal chaser, kidnap people for money or chase kidnaper, participate in martial arts arenas, crafting mini-games I could go on forever. There are TONS of things to do with a dedicated community of players behind it.
From what I've seen so far the game has huge depth as I've never seen in a MMO. People compare it to EVE online but i never played that one.
I m sure there are a lot of problems with the game but so far I personally have 2 problems with this great, huge game: First of all i m such a noob in the game that almost everyone can kill me very easily, so you better find a guild where players protect you from gankers but careful, guilds have enemies. There are constant guild wars hapenning fighting for dominance, I chose one where I instantly became an enemy of many many players where they chase me if I choose not to join them. Guild here really hate each other and have no choice besides forming alliances and well..fight each other, they' ll even do it on non-scheduled events just for the sake of destroying each other.
The learning curve in this game is very very deep compared to your traditional MMO and I'm not talking about combat because I totally suck at that at the moment. It's very easy to find yourself lost without knowing what to do in the beginning so my tip is: talk to people, ask them tons of questions, be nice to them and avoid confrontations or you ll make many enemies. As a weak player,making enemy players (they officially become your enemies in-game) is not a good idea unless you like to be chased a lot.
My second problem unfortunely it's combat itself. Mostly because it's still a BETA and I have to play in a US server when i m from europe so my ping is always pretty high, not only that but the game is been suffering from lag spikes. I only notice this "lag" when fighting and i m trying to block and the freakin guy takes time to start blocking so I die, everything else runs smooth.
Combat is no way as fluid as WoW or SWTOR so far but I mostly say this because I m suffering from high latency. I see other people fight and it looks good and it seems the game is getting a new build with improved combat soon. I m playing at 600ms usually, no wonder combat sucks for me. Fortunely the lag is not noticeablea anywhere besides combat where your abilities just seem a bit slow to react, pretty much like SWTOR when it was released.
Also the game is not free-to-play as they say. Well, it's more F2P than SWTOR's F2P but you level a lot slower and lose a lot of items because most items are "rentals". Like horses for example which are really useful and only last 7-14 days ( from what i know), the world is HUGE you could really use a horse. It's so convenient to mount your horse and click the name of the NPC you need to talk to in your quest log and see your character automatically ride there with the pathfinder feature.
It's more "Freemium" than F2P, where the premium (VIP) status is very useful. I paid 20 euros for the full BETA access and 60 VIP days, if I see improvements in the latency and combat fluidity I'm most likely going to start giving them my money gladly when it ships out in 20 days.
All-in-all, this game brings to the MMO genre what it needed, sandbox features where players shape the world you play in. Let's see how they handle their business model and how well they improve and add to the game from now on. As a MMO player that started with WoW, I've been waiting for a MMO with these kind of features for a long time.
Game looks good, first time I saw this I thought Meh.....Ugly game. But actually its not that ugly graphically and it seems a true sandbox MMO, a truly living world which are completely lacking in the MMO genre nowadays where most seem themeparked. There is a lot of depth in this game, its refreshing to see this in games.
Look at Skyrim. Skyrim out of the box is impressive in some ways and straight down ugly and dumb in other things, mainly due to the consoles limitation I know but still... It's a great game as a standalone but makes you feel "what if it could do this?Or that?" too many times due to its potential.
With mods that improve on what already exists and actually introduce new mechanics and content the game simply becomes a BEAST. Nothing like I ever seen before and each day come new mods, it's insane. My Skyrim now is a visually feast for the eyes which feels and plays like an epic movie through and through, for every limitation I find I go search for a mod that fixes that.
Although they can easily break your game due to poor instalation, it's really worth the trouble of learning how to do it correctly (not simple if you have many mods that require compatibility).
Modders and indie devs know what gamers want because they are true gamers themselves.
Although the gaming industry is a high risk business, I understand why many want to play safe and just make the big bucks. Either taking advantage of a known license or copy pasting other games with another name for their own game. Sometimes this is needed in order for the industry itself can grow because money is a "must" to make the world go around.
On the other hand they slowly degrade gaming quality by over saturating gamers with the same crap all the time. This is where true gamer devs and modders come in, introducing that breath of fresh air most games and genres need.
If money is not an issue to you, I highly advise donating them some for their efforts as guys like this truly deserve it.
Games really should transmit knowledge as much as they can. That way even if unconsciously you'll learn something, specially if that knowledge comes in some emotional way that makes you not forget that game or moment. Don't think geology , although interesting, is of a much use to transmit in a game as players will not notice it enough to learn something. History on the other hand should be transmited through entertainment as much as possible though, so you can learn from the mistakes of the past in order to improve on the future. Or we can go on making the same mistakes on and on like dumb animals.
Survival skills too should also be transmitted accurately, you never know when a trip can go wrong. Math too although I totally fail at that.
Games where you learn from them and that make you think are very much needed nowadays where everything is mainstream and all about "PWNING" your opponent just so you can feel a little better inside. Other than making you want to smash people's faces, it's not teaching you anything.
Then the shy kids that once were humble due to lack of attention become arrogant nerds, that elitism is laughable nowadays because gaming it's still not at it's peak. But in the days to come it will prove to be a problem as gaming is pointing us in the wrong direction at the moment. Cooperation and helping each other out is much more gratifying, believe me, specially because it's much harder to achieve. Wether at work, sports or gaming.
I really think that gaming and interactive multimedia are the future so we should make the best out of it to improve ourselves in any way we can.
quina's comments