So today Im 20....feels good,Ilove the fact of getting older and wiser it makes me thank god for not calling me home yet,,and letting me live another day,so thanks for him letting me live this long and thank u guys for the B-day wishes.
and oyah lmfao So I was playing majoras mask on my collectors disc...and mad it to the part were you go back human.......which only take about 20mins and so here I am confronting the evil skull kid and he says
"where did that trumpet comes from"
then you remember the song of time Zelda teachess you.
So here I am playing then it ask me do I want to save,so im like yes!!! the disc didnt say unable to read because that is wat it does all the time,so i click yes then it says u need 21 spots to save!!! and I was like noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, so in order to get 21 spotsa i need to erase my wind waker or melee file....but which 1?????????? I havent beat wind waker yet and its to much to erase melee.