I am or should be known as atleast one of the people in the world to have beating OoT like 15x,and ive only beat majoras mask 1x
Long game.
Lots of side quest.
Transformations!,with my favorite being the Zora link(ninja style).
Graphics are still great.
the great fairy sword.
Feirce Deity link=demi god.
Boss fights.
finding all 22 mask.
and now for the bad
Its hard to get every mask.
The game is repetetive,becuase you only have 3 days to beat each temple.But becomes easier when you learn the slow time song,and the song of time.
Upgrading is hard because every temple has a shatterd fairy,and you haft to find like 12 of them to upgrad,and most of the time it will be hard to do this.
If and I say if! you have the feirce deity link mask at the end of the game,the last boss will dissapoint you.
musical scores arent as good as OoT.
Giant Link mask is only usable on one boss.
The snow temple will dirve you nuts!!!!!!!!!