"MW2 has such a better story then BF Bad Company, Also IW wants everyone to have an EPIC expierence in their story campaign so they made a whole seperate game for co-op which will be 100x better than just co-op thru the story. Vehicles ruin online multiplayer...everyone fights for the vehicles and they are way overpowered. MW2>BF BC2"
first off have you even played BF:BC1 the vehicles are NOT overpowered at all and are actually pretty easy to kill (insert rocket/c4/mine/air strike here)
and vehicles ruin online multiplayer? what are you smoking ! becauae the last time i checked Battlefield has been around way longer than the COD bandwagon has.
and I rarely see anyone "fight" for there vehicles unless its unranked and their just fooling around. (99.9% never happens in ranked)
please take my word for it I own COD4(insert mp4 here) and BF:BC1(insert pp2000 and i know what im talking about.
even my own dumb ass friends are on the COD bandwagon its very sad rly..
if you want to see REAL BF:BC2 gameplay and to see for yourself go here
Games Played 1481 (BF)
I bought COD4 first (and still own it) so iam in no way some BF fannboy I used to play cod alot until BF was out.
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