I just axed my girlfriend about the ps5 idea and she was like omg thats soo cool do you think it iz 2 becuz that would be like weird to have the like diff games like all together like a game salad. I hope it duz come out like soon toRVHJRgame salad???
qwerty1297's forum posts
ok when i was ittle...like6. my cousins like did you know that theres gonna be a ps5 mixer? im like WHATS THAT??? hes like o you can put in up to 4 games, and it mixes them all into one game. so like need for speed and socom would be like a racing gamewith killiing and guns and war and stuff... i was stunned!!!
my question is, do you think this will this ever happen?????
ps the liar is a member on gamespot named omiblade
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