For all of you who are reading this-and I pray that my uncle isn't reading this- I have decided upon getting an EVGA nVidia GeForce 8800 GTS for $299 as my video card. I didn't blog about it, but I was planning on getting something good but less costly, which was the description of the 8600, in fact. So I e-mailed my uncle and told him what I wanted, accidentally mentioning the 8800...
It turned out that he (for the first time out of all of the other e-mails I sent him) replied to me, telling me that he could buy an 8800 for less than $600 (the expected price), much less. And it's ony $70 bucks more than the 8600. Believe me, I run on a low budget, as my parents don't make much money. One works as the head of the asian food department while the other is the assistant manager (err something like that) at a travel agency. This is a bit off topic, but I'm a lonely guy, and I need YOU to listen to me. Suprisingly, my dad is the one who makes more of a salary, which is still not much...which majorly sucks...which really sucks for my mom...although there are only three people total working at the office she works at...which is bad for me. That's why I have my Windows-Certified Professional uncle who works for Myspace.