r4v3gl0ry / Member

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No more games and graphics lectures, please.

Face it: we're living with a generation of gamers who value graphics as much as game play. These gamers include PC gamers who will *try* to settle for the best graphical settings in a game. This generation also includes console players who also expect the most from their own gaming consoles. I mean, both these groups of gamers have a right to be obsessive about good graphics. They bought their damn machines, for crying out loud.

But don't DONT DONT ever tell them "game play > graphics".

Why? It's a given. I firmly believe that any modern human being can understand that. Without game play you have no game; isn't that ridiculously obvious? lol, isn't it???

I know, I know....this blog really doesn't hold much importance. It's a blog that stems from annoyances from within in me. I personally value graphics a lot because this is pretty much THE generation of gaming, where good graphics are a requirement to me. Some people say "well why is it a requirement?" And I say: "Why not?" We have HD, water cooling, and Core i7s, people!! Is all of tis not enough reason to expect the best graphics?

I was perusing through the several topics that have been made on the Modern Warfare 2 PC board. A user asked if his PC could possibly run the game at the highest settings. Scrolling down a bit, I saw a post that read similarly to: "OMG y canT y0u jUsT PL4Y th3 DaM GaM3. WHatS wR0NG w/ THiS generAt1on??!!"

Basically, another (who evidently had more experience in playing older games than the TC) user had complained about the TC's bigger focus on graphics rather than gameplay. First of all, he probably does care about playing the game (WHO SAID HE DOESN'T? WHY IS HE ASKING ABOUT GRAPHICS IN THE FIRST PLACE?), so don't tell it to everyone like he has no interest in the game play and mechanics. That comment was also an example of elitism, which we all know does no good. People may not be like you and me, who enjoyed Pokemon Yellow and Galaga.

Anyway, I scrolled down even further and saw people posting and reminding the TC of how important game play was as opposed to graphics. My second point: How does the simple question of "can I run it" become an invitation for lectures?? I mean, no one stopped the wave of lecturing comments.

This brings me to my last point. Gamers who may value the tech. aspects of games still want fun games. Let me say that again: they want fungames. Have you ever met anyone who wouldn't buy a good game because of its sheer ugliness on-screen?? Sure, you might meet the occasional gamer who is ignorant and never researches games and generally dislikes any games that don't look like his favorite games (which may be the few games that he has ever played), though this does not make this unknowing person a "graphics whore." He/she is just ignorant and is by no means an experienced gamer. Most of these people don't even post on forums, so who cares anyway?

I'm telling you guys, you're making the label "graphics whore" worse than it is (I'm not pointing at anyone, but you know who you are.). No, no...I'm not mad at you. Just answer a person's questions about graphics or point it out that they don't have to have the absolute best. Just don't mention how game play is important; the question was about graphics in the first place.