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I Hate Life!

I wish i could go back to 2004, I feel like im wasting my time right now!:( I remember back when i would hang out with my friends everyday and we would be bored out of our minds, but we always ended up making fun out of it unless someone started argueing. I remember we used to play baseball and basketball(I hated basketball, and i still do), or go under the bridge down by the river to see how high or low the water was, or just to mess around, we would hide from cars as they drove over the bridge.:) One day i suggested that we ride bike to a nearby town(8 miles away) on the unfinished walking path, but it turned out that out of nowhere a thunderstorm drenched us, and we ended up stopping at dairy queen. We were cold when we got out of there so we decided to go up to our friends mom's house, and went home later. I miss those days but i can never go back, which makes me think life isnt worth it anymore.:cry: