Catherine - Done
by raahsnavj on Comments
Well, I finished it. I also had it on ebay for 3 hours before it sold for $50. So why am I selling it? Basically it has too much swearing in it. That and the story was a little off with the ending I went for (True Catherine ending). I still enjoyed the game, but the content just wasn't for me. I'm sure someone else might like it though. There were parts that were hard, there were parts that were just plain easy. There was a lot of story in it, funny parts, interesting parts, stupid parts. Overall it was an ok gaming experience. Everyone complained about the puzzles. There were only one or two places that I got stuck for a while on. The frustrating part of the game though was if you died on these puzzle spots it took took long to get to the retry screen. For a game where 'retry' was the norm, I couldn't figure out how they let this fly. The 'oh, I died' to the 'restart' should have been less than one second. And boss fights were basically the same thing with random death when the boss would want to kill you. You could fly up the blocks, with a huge safety under you, but if you ever got stuck in an area too long it usually mean instant death from the boss. The story was good, despite the dialog. I'm pretty sure I saw the worst path in the game in terms of endings. The whole game Vincent debates fixing things up with Katherine (his girlfriend for the last 5 years), but in my playthrough I was a complete jerk to Katherine at every turn. So it just didn't make sense to me to watch me in cutscene after cutscene trying to patch or cover things up with her. But the ending cleared that up and it was a pretty funny ending to watch. Everyone pointed out that Catherine (the 22 year old hotty) was crazy... Well, without giving it away or anything, people that say this must have missed the storyline. Anyhow, I wouldn't play a sequel to the game or another game like it. If they find a way to make a 'T' rating or at least clean it up a bit I would though. I'm sure people will say all that stuff was necessary, I disagree. - "or that is how life really is", Well maybe yours, but mine rolls a different way and I just doesn't feel good to be a part of a 'life' that is like this. To each their own though.