Interesting comment by the youth in my neighborhood
by raahsnavj on Comments
I wanted to write a bigger post on this, but until I do, I figured I should ask people if they have seen something similar to this. The kids in my neighborhood, ages 10-14 or so are basically abandoning traditional gaming. My oldest, who has been saving up for a 3DS for 8 months now told us he would like to get a tablet instead. As I stared at him in disbelief, not calling him stupid but thinking it, everyone in his group of friends (and people I know he doesn't spend much time with) all agreed. "on a tablet you get all the cool games like Minecraft and Angry Birds. Oh I can also have all my books on it" As I tried to explain to them it is not the true PC edition of Minecraft on those they would say, "but it will get updates eventually, and who cares. It will have enough" Ugg, hopefully it is just a phase. I use my tablet to game plenty, but a "buy this or that but not both" decision would never have a tablet winning when it comes to games. Huh, at least all I'm worried about is how he plays games... could be a lot worse things to worry about this day and age. I'll count my blessings on this one.