"You haven't played it so why does your opinion matter." Sorry, that is my favorite pile of BS in the industry right now. Well, I can read and I can understand what others say about things and I also have the ability to share my opinion. And I'll tell you why my opinion matters, because I'm not a customer yet. What I'm criticizing about the game is probably the reason I haven't given the developer any money yet. Want to increase the customer base? listening to complaints is a good place to start.
"If you don't like it don't buy it" How exactly does one express their opinion in regards to a game without supporting the very game via sales? We have to read articles and draw our own conclusions. Maybe, just maybe, when people say this they are actually encouraging us to not actually spend money on the game... that usually results in my first complaint appearing more often though. Sometimes I wonder if the correct solution to the problem is to stop bashing games and get back to bashing the industry and its followers. If enough people do that, gaming will become uncool again and *crash*, the industry is back to single guys living in their basements. Some would argue that we never left that... here I am, in my basement, talking about games with my wife out of town, so I guess I'm single this week... I got to work on putting on some more weight though.
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