I wanted to get Operation Anchorage and The Pitt for fallout 3 but I was wondering if I can get a used copy from Ebay and use it(the DVD you can buy from retailers).
rabidgriz's forum posts
Longevity might be an issue too then. Your gamerscore is probably going to stay for the rest of this console era and maybe for the next one too. Your Halo rating is only until the next halo game(halo:reach) probably. I doubt they are going to keep your rating for the next game in the series.
Your Halo rating is amazing as it is and since a higher rating isnt going to do you any good I wouldn't bother.
Its a good game but its really easy. If you havent played the DLC for fallout 3 yet, that might be a better deal.
Fable 2 is still a great game though. Just not challenging, its unique.
What matters more to you? The gamerscore or a higher halo rating. I personally would continue with your current account simply because it would be a hassle to get your friends list and everything onto your new account and unless your current account is about to run out you maybe losing money.
Don't shop at gamestop.
Mass Effect for sure. Lost Odyssey was decent but the loading times will really annoy you and its too long. If you pick the soldier class you can pretty much play Mass Effect as a shooter.
Castle Crashers is great too.
Orange Box is one of the best ways to spend your money. It has Half-life 2+episode1+episode2, Portal and one of the best multiplayer games, Team Fortress 2.
I tend to play all my games once. Once i get to the end i dont really play them much again. Unless you count multiplayer in which case i probably played halo all through my college years(system link was pretty fun).
I forgot i played ikaruga multiple times. maybe 3-4
Well last month i bought Fable 2(30 bucks) and Tales of vesperia(40 bucks). I finished fable 2 but i am just starting Tales so I dont think ill be buying anything this month. I guess 70 bucks a month was when I bought games( I'll probably end up buying fallout 3 and SF2 HD remix next month once i finish Tales)
Only reason i think 15 bucks a month is "worth it" is if you when your actually playing new stuff in MMOs. I think its crazy that people spend 4-5 months playing the same things over and over again.
If your the type of person who likes to get everything you can in a game(All the ultimate weapons from FF10, the legendary weapons from fable 2 etc.) then MMOs are a good deal. If your like me and just like to finish games and enjoy the story line etc, then they arent worth it cause your going to get bored fast.
here's how it goes
first 4 hours --> you will be amazed. You can't believe just how great the game is and how you didn't play it till now.
next 4 hours --> you start to see a pattern and the stuff leading up the assassinations annoys you, but what ever the assassinations are still fun. The planning on how to get there, and then escaping is still fun
last 2 hours --> The game truly tries to piss you off. Its like the developers of the game didn't know what to do for the last couple hours so they took all of the most annoying aspects of the first 8 hours and multiplied them by 10 and then packed them into 2 hours. But at this point your almost at the end so you might as well finish it.
Assassins creed is an unfinished product. They had a 4 hour game but needed to strech it out to 10-12 so they basically added all the non-fun stuff in between.
If its 20 bucks buy it, if not borrow from a friend or get it off ebay for 10.
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