The question posed was how do you feel about the latest consoles and who will do well. I was not asking you to become angry about the number of threads that have this topic. Perhaps I need to be clearer if you take a look at the LAUNCH of each system and base it on that I still feel that the 360 came out ahead. Now don't get me wrong I am an avid gamer, but when you promise the world and deliver me Utah minus Salt Lake City(Sony) that will make ALOT of people upset with you. The Wii needs more time yes but when you look at it the games feel gimicky. Now I still play my Wii and I have to say that they can be really fun but I really think that they need more games and less party games. Microsoft on the other hand started off well along with the Wii, and has only improved but when I see Sony showing off footage for their system and they say this is what the games look like and we compare launch basketball games between the PS3 and the 360 I can say that the 360 delivered and Sony didn't.
Well everyone the latest edition of the system wars has begun and I have to say Sony has stumbled out of the gate. The Wii, while fun, has yet to impress me with games that last a long time. Sure the mini games can be addicting but I have yet to play a game that makes me glad to own the system. That only leaves Microsoft and I have to say I play my 360 on average 3-4 hrs a day. So the question I have for you my fellow gamers is how do you think the system wars will pan out. Personally I think that Microsoft needs to lock down the japanese market and it's over but what do I know, I mean I'm no expert and I'm just going by what I read and see in the reports. So post your feelings and tell me what you the gamer thinks. :)
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