[QUOTE="Locutus_Picard"]DS is truly a (medieval) combat simMcStrongfast
Never seizes to amaze me
[QUOTE="Locutus_Picard"]DS is truly a (medieval) combat simMcStrongfast
Never seizes to amaze me
[QUOTE="Sandvichman"]I think firebombing all of their cities and Fat Man and Little Boy more than made up for all the terrible things the Japanese did.That was for pear harbor.
Headphones of course, it makes your gaming way more immersive since you get the sound "directly" on your ears, it makes it easier for you to notice small details in the sound, you don't get to ear your pc noise and of course, if you're doing voice chat (teamspeak, ventrillo...), the people on the other side wont get any feedback (LOL at xbox kidos listening to crappy rap music while playing mp).
Btw I got the sennheiser HD650 and the Shure SE530.
To the guy that mentioned BOSE: LULZ BOSE = Buy Other Sound Equipment
I would complain about an Army sim being too realistic, but never Call of Duty. Who has ever said "I don't like Call of Duty! It is TOO realistic!"?
About as good of an answer as the one you just gave
Still I can't help to think how badly balanced mw2 is...
Sony (Kaz) deliberately made the PS3 harder to develope for so they would have something to show off later in the gen. They didn't want the PS3 "instantly accessible" so games would look better as the gen progressed. It was a dumb move.Deathtransit
Posts like yours only make me remember Sony's E3 2006 presentation. :D
at Kaz big talk and giant enemy crab: flip him over for massive damage !
Ho snap, Riiiiiiiiiiiiiidge RAaaaaaacer !!!!!! :P
Xbox 360 equals a bunch of lepers walking on the desert during a sandstorm.
I smell kaput:shock:
Uh, superior how? It's a unix like system, if you want unix like use freebsd, or Linux. Macs have strayed far too much from their Unix origins for casualization. So they have achieved ruining everything good about Unix, for user friendlyness. Of course it can't be that user friendly if it can't run .exe/bat/dll which are dos based, since it is trying to be a desktop replacement. So then, what is the point of using a Mac if it can't be a true desktop replacement? Oh wait there isn't any. Go use a version of Linux like Jaunty Jalopy(Ubuntu) if you want a Unix like operating system. If you want everything to run use Windows. I don't like Windows that much, but since most of the market owns it, you probably want it.[QUOTE="kaffaboy"]Because all our labs are mac based, and i find that the Mac are superior when it comes to graphic design, been watching youtube of people running crysis on high with the 9600m GT and there seems to be nothing wrong.JigglyWiggly_
Reasons to own a Mac: Fashion statement, to make people assume your ignorant, less viruses(Which can be avoided in the first place on a Windows system by running avast,avira, or avg free.)
Reasons to not own one: Why would you want one in the first place? Wannabe Unix System, lost a lot of the security Unix originally had, tries to be a Windows replacement, but it can't get past the fact most software is developed for Windows, not Macs. Can't do anything better than Windows, users are snobby, users are ignorant, users think they know about computers when they really don't. Users think they know about computers when they are taking art classes and not programming classes.
Pure biased comment.
Mac OS 10,5+ are unix, not unix-like
Mac OS is more secure and has better resource management, hello unix, 64 bit kernel, GDC and open cl
Mac OS is based on open standards and also both Mac OS and iphone sdk are free
Art classes? No 3ds no problem, cinema 4d and maya are there, for you. There are always alternative programs, just pick the one you need.
Programming classes? If you're referring to the computer science course that you can opt when you move to the 10th grade, well it's all windows, but only poor ppl that can't afford a superior education chooses that anyways. On the university as long as you can get the work done none cares.
.exe no problemo just wine/cyder them or just boot windows, booting windows on mac doesn't defeat the purpose of owning a mac, I use windows for gaming only and have my old quad g5 running yellow dog linux for some risc masochism.
IF you don't like mac os it's ok, but there's no need to make those biased comments such as yours.
To the TC, crysis will run well on your laptop a mix of high, medium settings will do the trick
And of course my mac pro dual xeon 5570 chews crysis like a sponge, look 2 quad core x5570 running at 2,93 stock that can turbo boost (well for me it's called winter boost) all the way to 3.33ghz, 12 ddr 3 ECC + gtx 285 how can't that not run crysis at full 1900x1200 at the end of the day when I'm exhausted :)
Well since I'm a mac gamer, sometimes bootcamper. I guess that makes me even more rare than hermit, from a consulite perspective^
My computer, 5235€
And it's still 6 million + behind
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