I finally finished the game, took me long enough I know, this game was amazing. Those who haven't played it should really give it a try.
It's a game like gothic 3 and Venetica. I really like it when the hero changes into a dragon. It really fell amazing to control the dragon.
But when I finished the game Igot disappointed. The ending really sucks. I can't believe the hero've tricked the whole time. After all the effort he got trapped in a crystal and Evil won!?...
You don't even fight Demian, now I understand what they mean by: "when you see a man called Demian, run!"
I said what with that warning!, in the end when you defeat him he'd be the one running, but looks like you can't defeat him, disappointing, really!
those who have played the game, what do you think, doesn't the ending suck?