@outlawwitcher12: You ,like everyone else is moaning about everything on a video game site ,and then you use a very childish but also commonly used attempt to to insinuate you are a better person because you think others throw their money away on something that just because you dont like then they shouldn`t either ,very typical all in all again ,just a shallow sense of annoyance that the world doesn't revolve around your constant opinion.Which again is normal these days...so no ,no you do not have dignity. :)
@normanislost: If we didn't have articles like this you would have less to moan about in articles ,after all you had an option,I saw the title of this article and i understood what it would be about ,I then chose to read it ,as did you ,but you didn't have to,you could have read the title,thought oh i dont need to read that and move on to next ,but you opted to read and log in and comment making this article worthwhile for them to write,they will see the amount of people who read and commented and think oh,we should do this for next game that we dont review straight away,then you will see it,you will read it,you will moan about it and the whole circle carries on
@neowarrior793: I`m sure the entire gaming community will take your suggestion as I`m positive you know best and those who do buy it will switch to following you and wait for you to tell them what to buy/play or do etc
@mgs4gop: 6/10 because you ended up paying 60 bucks to Ubi and you played and gave an impartial review or 6/10 because you think your opinion is fact and you are some kind of gaming god who`s only contribution really is moaning about stuff in comment sections ? I hope you have a nice party though ,I`m sure someone will turn up to hear you whinge about whatever you decide you are an expert on next
@afmsasmth: why is 10:30 am nasty time to brush teeth ,maybe they worked till 5am ,slept,woke at 10:23am ,maybe they brushed there teeth at 7am but had something to eat at 10:03 that was full of garlic so they brushed there teeth again ,i dont really know the whole teeth brushing time according to you ,but clearly you are very important in the world and we should adhere to your time scale ,i find people commenting to make themselves seem self important to be such a joke ,never understood why people do it ,pretending to be intelligent is a joke
@DuskStrider @petez34 "However, for the rest of us who actually want to play a good game, with at least an above average storyline, decent quests, and likable characters... Yeah, I think we'll give this one a miss." thank god people like you are around to speak for what others want ...what would WE do with you
@kordy6 is every one wrong but you ??...yet your saying your right and others are wrong to buy it ,in fact your telling people to return it and buy bioshock. what makes you right in what they should do with there game and what game they should get next ..how can you even hint at the "is everyone wrong but you" statement when your doing that ..people have opinions and people have different tastes that dont revolve around yours
My dad said from his neighbours brothers mate who works for a guy who once owned a microsoft baseball cap that the 720 will have wheels and a cheese holder built in it and all this info will change next week and week after and week after and blahhhhh....all until microdot release official stuff,then we can all run around shouting omg i told you so ,and this sucks,this is awesome and other standard remarks
racindriver1's comments