Its time for Classic Game Season to begin! from 2013 to 2015 classic games will make a come back btw all these games are indie and had succsesful Kickstarters So they will be AWESOME Heres the games so far
1.Planetary Anihalation- Total Anihalation Was released in 1997 and changed RTS Games and got 58 awards (Most are game of the year And i like TA More than Starcraft 2 DONT ATTACK ME ON THE COMMENTS BECAUSE OF MY OPINION) Total Anihalation's succsesser, Planetary Anihalation Is here Watch the gameplay on youtube NOW Anyway PA Is made by the same people that made Command And Conquer Generals Zero Hour, The Elders Scrolls 3 Morrorwind, Supreme Commander, Total Anihalation, Demigod, Battlespire, LoTR:Battle for middle earth, Monday night Combat and super Monday Night combat ALSO Notch(The creater of minecraft) SAID that he wants to play the game One last thing this is an RTS And this game will Be the rival of's Total Anihalation cause they just bought it From Atari I think that PA Will be better this game is on steam and you can buy it for 70$ right now its in alpha and you will be able to play the game its really fun also there is a map editor so you can make your own worlds
Steam Page:
2.Wasteland 2- Wasteland 1 was the first ever post-apopcalyptic Rpg ever made, got 100 Awards, and the creaters Interplay(Now known as Inxile Entertainment) Created fallout now wasteland 2 is here made by Inxile With 4 player coop also dont start saying "The Graphics look horrible" The graphics are supposed to look like that to pay homage to classic games
3.Torment:Tides Of Narmeria-This is coming out in 2015 the ultimate fantasy rpg is back Planescape:Torment Was a amazing rpg GO PLAY IT NOW Toment:Tides of Narmeria is the sequel og planescape and the 2nd most sucsessful gaming kickstarter ever So be ready for 2015
4.Satellite Reign-This is created by the original Creaters of the 90s classic syndicate Then we got a bad 2012 fps reboot Satellite reign is the sucsesser of syndicate wars and is on steam on greenlight heres the steam page:
5.Leige-This game is Inspired by Jrpgs and rpgs and is a turn based strategy game whats most amazing to me is that this game got on steam greenlight, then reached every single one of its stretch goals anyway its set in medieval times where your kingdom has fallen and you must go on a quest of revenge Its not a classic but its a 16 bit games so i guess i have to put it on here heres the steam page :
6.Star Citizen-OK Lets be honest if you love space flight sims who wouldn't buy this? Its made by the guy who created Wing Commander And all the other classic Space sims Chris Roberts and this game has so much info heres the page to their website READ EVERYTHING Robertsspaceindustries.comĀ
7.Soul saga-a JRPG Inspired by other JRPGS thats in full 3D I'm not gonna say anythink just heres the link to their steam greenlight page
8.Heroes of Mother 3/Earthbound 3-This game is coming out for pc and its basically a remaster version of the original heres the kickstarter it was already sucsessful i just cant find any other info on this game you know what LOOK IT UP URSELF
Anyway thats all i know of if i forgot plz put the gmaes in the comments below and give me a description about them they have to be indie and have had a succsessful crowdfunding campaign and being released in 2013-15 SEE YA
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