Chapter 1. The Forthcoming Of Hope
Before There was time, There Was Lord Helix, Before thy Earth, There was the Lord Helix.
Helix was the only one in this universe. but he decided to give Life to the Universe.
For he created thy universe from his Hentai-like Tentacles. When he was upset with what he did to the universe accidentally (he accidentally made a planet of world peace) He spit on that planet and it Asploded.
Helix Created Earth and Created Pokemon which were is Slaves and he would make them murder each other for Amusement.
For more amusement Helix created humans to enslave pokemon.
Chapter 2. BirdJesus Rises
Helix Gave Birth To BirdJesus, His son and Sent Forth Bird Jesus To Fight
The Disciples of the Dome
The Disciples Despised Of Helix And wanted Him Out so their Own God,The Dome Fossil May rise from Thy Ashes and rule over the earth with no slaves, No Chaos, And Lots Of Disgusting Democracy.
Buts BirdJesus Created....
The Church of Helix
The Church of Helix were the True Believers as they Promoted Anarchy, Chaos , Slavery, And NO DEMOCRACY.
Because of their Disagreements A War Started..The War to end all wars....
The Great Helix War
Chapter 3. The Great Helix War
The War was a major part of the Legacy of Helix.This Bloody Conflict Lasted About 1 Minute and 50 Seconds but a total of 1,000,000,000 Humans Were Wiped Out and 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 Pokemon Were murdered, And Lord Helix Was Killed Along with the Destruction of Earth Itself.
What Happened was The Church Of Helix And The Dome Met at a Ancient Town Where BirdJesus was Born Known As Lavender Town. The Church And The Dome were to Argue What parts of the world their Group Would own. They Got in A Argument on Who would own Lavender Town. The Dome got tired Of Arguing And their Followers Shot Fire at Lord Helix. The great Lord Helix Knew this May Happened so he Had A plan B. when they fired at Helix The Great Helix War started as Millions of Helix Men Started Firing At the Evil Dome Supporters. The Dome had a plan to and launched millions of their Supporters Fell from the sky to attack. After 1 Min of Fighting 1,000,000 Troops from each side were dead along with every Civilian in Lavender Town That Was caught In The Cross fire. Lord Helix Was Wounded And Started Plan C. He Ran in front of the Dome Followers And pulled out a giant Trigger. And he Said," IF IM GOING DOWN YOUR GOING DOWN WITH ME", And pulled the Trigger. Lavender Town Exploded And Everyone Died. Also the explosion Was so big That it hit all the Oil Rigs In the World. They Exploded And the Oil went all over the World And then Caught on fire Killing Earth Itself.
Chapter 4. A New Hope And Rebirth
(This Chapter Is still in the Making as TwitchPlaysPokemon Crystal Is still going on.)
After The Great Helix War A Mysterious Organization known as....
The New Following of Old Amber
Recreated The world. This Organization Realized That The Dome And The Church Must Live Together In Anger With Each Other In a Sort Of Yin Yang Balance. As of today it is rumored that they Keep an eye on the Church And The Dome And keep them From Destroying the World Again. They Are Ruled By a Mysterious Being Known As Old Amber To this day not much is known about it.
While The Following Were Recreating The World to its Original State BirdJesus Had Met a Wizard Named OxxOzz Who Shook Hands With BirdJesus. But OxxOzz Was A Grand Wizard The best kind of wizard And Channeled The Power Of Helix, The Decaying Life Energy Of the Long Dead Helix, Through His body And Made A Horrifying Realization That BirdJesus was to Die in 1000 Years. To make Sure That He Would Have A Grand Successor When He dies He turns BirdJesus into a Shemale And Birdjesus immediately Gets Pregnant And Has A Baby Egg Right In front of OxxOzz. BirdJesus , Still in shock That he was turned into a Shemale 30 Seconds Ago, Got Pregnant 20 Seconds Ago, And gave Birth 5 Seconds Ago, Proceeded to Backhand The Grand Wizard 100 times over And Named The Child Adiih. BirdJesus Was turned Back Into A Man and Raised Young Adiih To become Admiral Adiih Of The Church Of Helix Years later...........Lord Helix Hasn't Been Seen in Years but there are rumors that He may Come back......................................................................................
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