Geo115 "Fact: Microsoft are providing a free update to the 360 in the next few weeks to upgrade the console to support fully native 1080p resoloution." Where did you learn this....why do I not know about it!!
If I can get one on launch,(if its still avaible by the time I get to the stored) I will. But I'm getting the $500 one, becuase I dont care for a bigger harddrive, WiFi and slots for memory sticks. If I get the PS3, its for the games (and blue-ray), and I can just upgrade the harddrive when ever I feel I have to. The WiFi isnt important either, becuase I can just connect the ethernet that I have hooked up to my PS2 to the PS3.
man, I really wish they would change the monthly fees of worldofwarcraft. I love that game yet I cant pay $15 per month. If it was 5 bucks, then I probably wouldnt have such a hard time paying.
1. OBLIVION: I could play this for years and not get it done 2. BATTLEFIELD2: Perfect for some online action 3. FEAR: THE game for some very intense gunfights and scares 4. Myst 1-5: I'm sure it'll take me months to get those crazy puzzles done 5. Civ4: Addicting and lots of replay value
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