@DarthDookie1: Mine is set to 1440 minutes. So it didn't work for me. I'll try the fixed IP later.
raelxx's forum posts
I personally like the Z93 sniper rifle with an expanded scope and supressor. It is good for picking off guys from long range without being spotted. If you have the time to get signature weapons, I really like the Bushman. The .44 magnum and Desert Eagle are good if you want to go loud. All of the special weapons are pretty powerful and fun except for the repair tool and sort of the flare gun.
I have not gotten this yet, but the Japanese Tanto knife looks pretty good. It is a signiture weapon that you get by finding hidden letters.
So I tested all the weapons you guys mentioned on here and found that the Z93 is the most powerful. Grenade arrows and RPGs are obviously pretty powerful but they're expensive so I don't like using them. Z93 can put down those astronaut-looking guys (the ones that walk around with a flamethrower) in 3 shots while it takes close to 10 shots with the ACE or Bushman to kill them. The downside to the Z93 is that it can't be used effectively in combat. Moving the lens around is really slow, even slower than scanning the environment with your camera. But put some distance between you and your target and it's a badass killer.
If it's a headshot, it's just one with the Z93.
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