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#1 rafaronie
Member since 2003 • 181 Posts

I installed Fable II. It was very loud and very anoying, but now it is so much more silent. Loading time is the same or at least not enough for me to notice. Yea Micro is not that stupid not to require the disc. Could you imaging renting a game and allowing all your friends to copy it. That would have been awsome for us but Micro is in the buisness of well being a buisness who wants to make money.

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#2 rafaronie
Member since 2003 • 181 Posts

Master of Orion 2

next would be

Age of Empires 1

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#3 rafaronie
Member since 2003 • 181 Posts
[QUOTE="RobertBowen"]is it just me, or are all these new 'interfaces' designed for people with Attention Deficit Disorder? From watching vids of them all in action, yeah they might look 'cool' but with all that additional animation and everything it takes longer to do what you want. So what is the point of all these new graphically advanced interfaces? I want to be productive with my PC, not turn using it into some kind of game. I buy actual games for entertainment. Call me an old fuddy-duddy, but if I want to switch tasks I want to do it as quickly and efficiently as possible, not sit there for 5-10 seconds scrolling windows like a card file or spinning cubes to hunt for where I opened an application. Playing videos as a background desktop? Who really needs it? If I want to watch a video - then I will sit and give it my full attention, not get distracted by it as it plays in the background.

No doubt you can turn some of these things off if you don't like them - but it then begs the question why the hell should I change the OS I have just to get a new OS that doesn't run as well with a lot of guff that I don't need and will switch off anyway?

I don't need an OS to turn into a friggin' game on my desktop - I need something that is going to make me more productive, becomes easier and faster to use and saves me time so I don't spend my life in front of a screen. In my view I shouldn't have to upgrade my PC simply to run an OS either - it should have the smallest footprint and hit on resources of any piece of software I install, not require upgrades. In terms of use, I shouldn't have to jump through several hoops in order to run applications - I just want to click and go without any hassle.sircyrus

Exactly. Vista is a lot of flash and shiny objects without much substance. It'swhat Iimagine a multiplatform O/S would be like if we were talking in gaming terms.

I use my PC for work and for entertainment. I have to flip back and forth between programs, having many windows open at once for what I do. All of that without any noticable PC slowdown (PC slowdown affects my tablet output). Also, I work extremely quickly on the PC, navigating through windows and interfaces with ease. Oftentimes ifI'm showing somebody something on the PC and they'll tell me to slow down because they can't see what I'm doing. Vista's idiotic hypno-interface would effectively kill that level of efficiency I'm able to work at. That's something I'm not willing to sacrifice.

Neverminding the fact that they touted it as an O/S "built for gaming" yet it's proven to be just the opposite. Not only that, but it's yet another step in Microsoft's attempt to shift the gaming industry towards their vision for it. They're abusing their monopoly on the O/S market to cause that shift and I wouldn't want to support that, even if the above issues were nonexistent. It's not good for PC gaming.


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#4 rafaronie
Member since 2003 • 181 Posts

C&C 3 all the way! It's spec requirements are low so no need to worry there, game play is awesome, no bugs (very little at least), awesome multilayer, great campaign while it lasts (way to short in my opinion), movies were a great touch to it, was true to C&C. Got over 80 hours in it already. xfire-alphaforce125concord9

same here.

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#5 rafaronie
Member since 2003 • 181 Posts
My friend has a Vista built sys and yea he has had some problems with most games compared to my built from the ground up rig with XP pro. I;m not saying I hate it I'm just saying that I will NOT upgrade to Vista after his exp with it untill they work out the kinks just like I waited a while to upgrade to XP. Also I haven't really noticed much improvments on games at least not yet and as for HALO naaa I already played that out on my xbox.8)
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#6 rafaronie
Member since 2003 • 181 Posts

Wow! I just gotta say thanks for all your input guys. Didn't mean to start a fight but all your comments are interesting. I WILL be getting both just one before the other. I like all types of games from Civ4 and GalCiv2 to Prey and HalLife 2, to BFME2 DOWDC, and Black and White. So you see I think both games will make me happy but coulde not decide on my decision. You guysgave me a verey interinsting insight that I couldn't get from reviews. Thanks dudes:D

More comments welcomed.

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#7 rafaronie
Member since 2003 • 181 Posts
I cant decide which one to get first. Can only afford one till my next paycheck. Which one would you guys say is the better one or does it depend on your taste? Thanks.
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#8 rafaronie
Member since 2003 • 181 Posts
I think I'll keep XP until they work more of the bugs out of Vista just like I did before I got XP a few years ago.  But eventually I'll be upgrading when the time comes. I guess in about a year or less at about the same time I build my new rig. But yea if XP got DX10 then why would I bother?
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#9 rafaronie
Member since 2003 • 181 Posts
I have both games and I gotta say the action in DOW is much better and exciting plus you get 7 factions that are unique and share very little if anything at all with each other. Of course thats if you get the expansions to DOW.
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