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#1 raiden7890
Member since 2004 • 1608 Posts
Hi guys, I am currently at a university with wifi for all students. However, in order to access the internet, we need to open a web browser first and then type in our password. Of course, I cannot do this on the Wii as far as I know, does anyone know of a solution to this problem? Thanks for your help!
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#2 raiden7890
Member since 2004 • 1608 Posts
its pretty good, someone already mentioned this but i think theres a lack of weapons, or incentive to use the other ones. i can basically go through the whole game with just shotgun and the assault rifle.
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#3 raiden7890
Member since 2004 • 1608 Posts

I think a number of things limit the PC gaming industry, and graphics is a part of it.

Specifically for graphics, its holding down gaming overall. With higher and higher expectations for amazing graphics, its becoming harder and more expensive to develop. Along with that, for a PC, the standards can be pushed much higher as video cards come out, and devs do that in order to remain cutting edge and attractive where as a console hardware is locked.

Mainly though, I think its the console's near plug and play ability that makes it very attractive. I like to play games, although a lot of times, i just dont have the time to devote to it. There is something very appealing about a console being able to just play the game without hassles of installation etcetc.

But yes, PC's technically do give the best bang for the buck, especially in the long run. But most people dont see the long run, or they dont care about it. Upgrading PC's also takes some experience and trial and error. As a relatively new PC gamer, I made the mistake of buying the wrong kind of video card once, and the wrong RAM once too.

Price wise if you are frugal and upgrade efficiently, then its fine. I got my basic storebought rig at around 600. Spent 100 on new video card. Nowadays i can run COD4 well enough, same for bioshock and CC3. Crysis runs with pretty low settings, but still playable and enjoyable,

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#4 raiden7890
Member since 2004 • 1608 Posts

a lot of the newer games have widescreen support, which is fine and all, but some of them dont, like Half Life 2

Specficially for HL2, on the aspect ratio, it wont let me click and change it. Although if i set the resolution to a high amount, it looks relatively ok in widescreen.

Some older games like Halo PC just dont have widescreen and even if i do set the resolution to its highest, the stretches look terrible.

So what do you guys do if theres no widescreen available? play it in windowed mode or is there some trick that i dont know of?

Thanks for your help! =)

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#5 raiden7890
Member since 2004 • 1608 Posts
i get it sometimes if im alt+tabbing in and out of things, although during gameplay its fine. not too sure what the problem is myself
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#6 raiden7890
Member since 2004 • 1608 Posts
I currently have a Samsung SyncMaster 220WM, on any lower non widescreen resolution, i can increase the refresh rate above 60, up to around 80 i believe. However, on any widescreen resolution, i can only get 60. is there any way i can make it go higher, or is that not a good idea?
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#7 raiden7890
Member since 2004 • 1608 Posts
oh dont worry about the gore...theres plenty of it
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#8 raiden7890
Member since 2004 • 1608 Posts

Its because COD4 is completely different gameplay from Unreal or Quake. COD/BF are based a semi-realistic health systems. One 'noob' bullet could kill you in COD. Whereas, the only one shot kills in UT or Quake are from skilled shots; other guns require many more hits.


very true, in arcadey fashion games, UT, Quake etc, it requires a different skill set and playing method then CoD4 and such. so its not that theres no skill, its different skill and different gameplay styles

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#9 raiden7890
Member since 2004 • 1608 Posts
i actually thought it was a cut scene of sorts at first -.-
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#10 raiden7890
Member since 2004 • 1608 Posts

(I was told this would be the better place to ask the question, so here it goes again)

Sad but true, I've been running off of my integrated ATI Radeon Xpress 200 for over a year now. You ever see FEAR running on that thing? Well...nvm, I won't even go into that.

With black friday coming up, I thought I might as well shell out for a video card, however, my budget is extremely, insanely limited.

I have found these 3 cards, but I haven't been able to find any good reviews of them, so if you can give your opinion of them, it would be of a great big help!

ATI Radeon HD2400 Pro 256MB - $49

ATI Raoden HD2600 Pro 512MB - $99

NVidia GeForce 8600 GTS 256MB - $99

As you can see, my budget is below $100, and my options are only those 3, so if you can pick and choose which one you would select out of those 3 and say why, thanks so much =)

(I know theres a lot better out there, but my budget and time only allows for these 3 options, so please limit yourself to only these 3 choices)