raihan_07 / Member

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Man can't never achieve three things

Day by day the science is getting developed. It has invented, discovered, is inventing, discovering and will invent, discover a lots of miraculous things. It has given us computer, games, medicine and blah.. blah.. blah. Most probably science is going to give us quantum computer and DNA computer. Science has discovered lots of things in space. We have gone to moon. We are trying to reach Mars. We are trying to unveil the mystery of space. Medical science has entered into a new era. It is curing lots of deadly diseases. It is replacing human parts including artificial eye, heart etc. When I think all this matters, a think strike me on my head. I know there are some things that mankind can't do in near or far future. And I'm 100 percent sure about it. They are as below:

1. Man can't be immortal.

2. Man can't create or regenerate life.

3. Man can't live normally outside of earth atmosphere.

If anyone believes that these tasks are possible, then please let me know with proper logic. Best wishes to all. Till then, Goodbye.