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Top 5's

As the holiday season approaches I've compiled a list of what are considered by me to be the best games for each of the available systems.

Wii Top 5

  1. Super Mario Galaxy
  2. The Legendof Zelda: Twilight Princess
  3. Metroid Prime 3
  4. Resident Evil 4
  5. Super Paper Mario

360 Top 5

  1. Bioshock
  2. Halo 3
  3. Mass Effect
  4. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
  5. The Orange Box

PS3 Top 5

  1. Resistance: Fall of Man
  2. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
  3. Assassin's Creed
  4. Ratchet and Clank: Future Tools of Destruction
  5. Rock Band

Console War Update

Console War Update

Soooo, we're almost completely done with 2007 and we're beginning to get an idea of the console race. Sales wise, the Wii is in first with a slight lead over the 360, while the PS3 is in 3rd by a long way. One thing the 360 has done well is ensure that it gets exclusives, or at least timed exclusives. With games like Orange Box, Mass Effect, Gears of War,Bioshock, and Halo flexing its muscle. It also has a growing library of franchises with Halo, Gears of War, Perfect Dark, and Banjo Kazooie. But the Wii has also proven itselfwith a slew of games from every majpr franchise, all with exclusitivity. Metroid Prime 3, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Paper Mario, Zelda: Twilight Princess, and the upcoming Smash Bros. Brawl. 3rd parties have also embraced Wii with games like Resident Evil, Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy. The PS3 has started to get it's footing as well with games like Motorstorm, Resistance, Ninja Gaiden, Ratchet & Clank,and Warhawk. But the future is where the PS3 shines brightest. Games like Gran Turismo 5, Metal Gear Solid 4, Metal Gear Online, Final Fantasy XIII, White Knight Story, Killzone 2, and Final Fantasy Versus XIII are all on the horizon for 2008. But Value remains the greatest motivator for consumers and this is a place whereSony has had trouble, it is moving to rectify this however. The new 400 dollar PS3 is aimed to compete with the350 dollar PS3 by offering 20 more gigs of HD space, free online (50 a year for Xbox), built in wi-fi(100 for Xbox) and a next gen video player (170 for Xbox). This is definitely a good move for Sony, and for 100 dollars more you get BC, 40 more gigs of Hard Drive space and 2 free games, more than equaling the value of the Xbox Elite. Xbox is no longer the clear victor of the upper tier consoles, and this will be apparent in 2008 as the PS3 eats up more sales. The Wii, however is the cheapest and comes with a free game, no doubt enticing to gamers who want cheap fun that lasts long. In the end I see the Wii being in first by a decent margin while the 360 and PS3 are in a dead heat for 2nd place.

Zelda Ideas

  • Do a remake of A Link to the Past, if that game were redone in 3D, nothing would compare to it.
  • Make a game that takes the greatest dungeons/bosses of all previous Zeldas yet link them together through a storyline.
  • Make a 2D version of Ocarina of Time
  • Make the newest Zelda game have more hidden abilities, side quests, and minigames to complement the storyline

Virtual Console-What Nintendo Oughtta do

They need to bring the following games to the virtual console now!!!: Mario Bros. 2--Mario Bros. 3--Mario World--Yoshi's Island--Zelda A Link to the Past--Donkey Kong Country--Donkey Kong Country 2--Zelda the Adventure of Link--Super Metroid--Smash Bros.--Star Fox--Star Fox 64 but above all they need to include the following though:

1)Zelda: Ocarina of Time-This one is a no-brainer..I'd pay so much money for this, it's arguably the greatest Zelda game ever made.

2)Zelda: Majora's Mask-Say what you will about this game's greatness in relation to ocarina, but it was still an escellent game that everyone should play.

3)Super Mario RPG: The Legend of the 7 Stars-Lets just get it all out there, Final Fantasy doesn't hold a candle to this game, this is the epitome of great SNES games.

Lastly, I think Nintendo should add it's handheld games to the line up, by maming virtual consoles for both the Gameboy and Gameboy Advance, as well as adding more systems as well, such as the Atari Jaguar, 3D0, Sega Master System, Game Gear and others.  they should also allow you to buy points in any increment that you wnat

Wii Impressions

Controller-(A+)This is obviously the Wii's main selling point, and for good reason. Nearly all of the launch titles use the controller's functions to their fullest potential.  All of the features, the speaker in the controller, the new and improved rumble technology, the tilt sensors, and the pointer capabilities.  With the Wii's controller, nintendo has started a gaming trend that will continue for decades.

Console-(A-)At only 250 dollars, the Nintendo Wii is a steal.  The built in Wi-fi makes it so you dont have to waste money like you did with the Xbox 360, and surprisingly the 512 MB flash memory goes a LONG ways.  Switching to SD cards was another good move on Nintendo's part, as well as the inclusion of USB ports.  The unit is also non intrusive on account of it being hte smallest console ever made.  Other show stealers are the inclusion of a weather channel, web browser, and soon a news channel, which help steal a bit of the thunder of the wii's competitors.

Games-(A)This is the area wher the Wii absolutely trounces the PS3. Zelda may very well be the greatest game ever made, and other great games like rayman, madden, trauma center and others fully utilize the wii remote to grand results.

Download Service-(A+)it's official, Xbox has some competition when it comes to downloadable games.  The Wii's virtual console is filled to the brim with great games like Mario, Sonic, and Zelda, and offers them at extremely affordable prices.  It already offers a ton, and they're spread out among many classic consoles like NES, SNES, N64, Genesis, and TG16

Grade Overall: A

Game to get: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Wii Launch Impressions

Controller-(A+)This is obviously the Wii's main selling point, and for good reason. Nearly all of the launch titles use the controller's functions to their fullest potential.  All of the features, the speaker in the controller, the new and improved rumble technology, the tilt sensors, and the pointer capabilities.  With the Wii's controller, nintendo has started a gaming trend that will continue for decades.

Console-(A-)At only 250 dollars, the Nintendo Wii is a steal.  The built in Wi-fi makes it so you dont have to waste money like you did with the Xbox 360, and surprisingly the 512 MB flash memory goes a LONG ways.  Switching to SD cards was another good move on Nintendo's part, as well as the inclusion of USB ports.  The unit is also non intrusive on account of it being hte smallest console ever made.  Other show stealers are the inclusion of a weather channel, web browser, and soon a news channel, which help steal a bit of the thunder of the wii's competitors.

Games-(A)This is the area wher the Wii absolutely trounces the PS3. Zelda may very well be the greatest game ever made, and other great games like rayman, madden, trauma center and others fully utilize the wii remote to grand results.

Download Service-(A+)it's official, Xbox has some competition when it comes to downloadable games.  The Wii's virtual console is filled to the brim with great games like Mario, Sonic, and Zelda, and offers them at extremely affordable prices.  It already offers a ton, and they're spread out among many classic consoles like NES, SNES, N64, Genesis, and TG16

Grade Overall: A

Game to get: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Playstation 3 Launch Impressions

So, everyone seems to be talking about the PS3 and Wii lately, and for good reason, they're the two newest consoles on the market and are both totally different from one another.  It just so happens that I was fortunate enough to get my hands on both, and I can now say which one seems to be better.  So let's start out with the Playstation 3, which has been under immense criticism and a media blitz, but contrary to popular thought, the PS3 is NOT dead.

Controller-(B+)The Sixaxis controller is absolutely awesome, it's lighter, the tilt sensors work great, and are implemented well in a lot of multiplatform games, the lack of rumble is also barely even noticeable, the Playstation button is also a nice small addition.

Console-(A+)This is where the PS3 shines, it's an absolute technical marvel, even at the steep price of $600.  The XMB is great and packs in a bunch of stuff like a web browser.  It's digital audio and HDMI ports make it cutting edge as well, with crisp sound and graphical detail, the many USB ports and media bay that reads just about every memory card also help out immensely, as well as the 60 GB hard drive, which you won't begin to fill.  The  console is also downright sexy, being uberly shiny, and the chrome highlights definitely add to the appeal.

Games-(C+)This is the one area where the PS3 is seemingly lacking, Resistance is a show stopper, and Ridge Racer 7 is another great PS3 exclusive, however, these are the only two good exclusives, and when it comes down to it, that's the only thing that really matters.

Download Service-(B-)The Playstation Store is well crafted, and will only surely get better over time, it offers both PSP and PS3 downloads as well, which offers a fair ammount of multiplatform bliss, this is definitely the place to watch, and its off to a great start.

Overall: B

Game to get: Resistance: Fall of Man

Playstation 3 Impressions

So, everyone seems to be talking about the PS3 and Wii lately, and for good reason, they're the two newest consoles on the market and are both totally different from one another.  It just so happens that I was fortunate enough to get my hands on both, and I can now say which one seems to be better.  So let's start out with the Playstation 3, which has been under immense criticism and a media blitz, but contrary to popular thought, the PS3 is NOT dead.

Controller-(B+)The Sixaxis controller is absolutely awesome, it's lighter, the tilt sensors work great, and are implemented well in a lot of multiplatform games, the lack of rumble is also barely even noticeable, the Playstation button is also a nice small addition.

Console-(A+)This is where the PS3 shines, it's an absolute technical marvel, even at the steep price of $600.  The XMB is great and packs in a bunch of stuff like a web browser.  It's digital audio and HDMI ports make it cutting edge as well, with crisp sound and graphical detail, the many USB ports and media bay that reads just about every memory card also help out immensely, as well as the 60 GB hard drive, which you won't begin to fill.  The  console is also downright sexy, being uberly shiny, and the chrome highlights definitely add to the appeal.

Games-(C+)This is the one area where the PS3 is seemingly lacking, Resistance is a show stopper, and Ridge Racer 7 is another great PS3 exclusive, however, these are the only two good exclusives, and when it comes down to it, that's the only thing that really matters.

Download Service-(B-)The Playstation Store is well crafted, and will only surely get better over time, it offers both PSP and PS3 downloads as well, which offers a fair ammount of multiplatform bliss, this is definitely the place to watch, and its off to a great start.

Overall: B

Game to get: Resistance: Fall of Man

PS3 Pricing

I think that the PS3 actually will be $400, just think about it, i'm guessing by the time it actually launches it will cost roughly $700 to make, they'd be taking a huge hit of course, but this is where blu-ray comes in.  If the PS3 were that reasonably priced people would swarm to get it, and if a ton of PS3's were sold then that would almost guarantee blu-ray as the victor in the format wars.  Can you even begin to imagine how much money they would make by winning the format wars?  Definitely more than the hit they would be taking for the PS3, and the Cell processor of the PS3 should make it so the blu-ray technology used will be more affordable which i doubt lynch took into consideration, not to mention the fact that the report said it could be from 725-800, and prices of the parts will be sure to drop a good 100 dollars by then, so potentially it could only cost $625 to manufacture, that's a $225 difference compared to the 360's $150 or so, when you factor in blu-ray you can definitely see why $400 is a very likely price.  Other points I'd like to make is that Kutaragi said it would be expensive, making people think it would cost like 600 but not being specific, so people would save up a ton of unnecesarry money that they'd spend on games, thus making up for the lost money.

Revolution Theories

OK, about the Revolution, first off i highly doubt Nintendo will keep this name "wii" because of the huge backlash from just about everyone.  I predict that it will hit retail for about $150 because it will be roughly as powerful as the original Xbox minus the hard drive.  It should actually turn a prophet because its about double the power of the gamecube and the gamecube costs only around 40 or 30 dollars to make, so the rev. shouldn't cost much more than $100 to produce, making nintendo the only company to turn a prophet at launch, so i think that two controllers will be included as well as the nunchuck add-on.  The games should also be cheap because the development kits cost roughly 1/10 as much as the competing consoles, and the engine being familiar to the Gamecube's, so developers will already be accustomed to it.  So, in other words, expect the Revolution to cost $150 with 2 controllers and an accessory, as well as cheap games that should retail at around 30-40 dollars.  Oh yeah, expect a new franchise from nintendo, as well as mario 128 at launch.
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