So, everyone seems to be talking about the PS3 and Wii lately, and for good reason, they're the two newest consoles on the market and are both totally different from one another. It just so happens that I was fortunate enough to get my hands on both, and I can now say which one seems to be better. So let's start out with the Playstation 3, which has been under immense criticism and a media blitz, but contrary to popular thought, the PS3 is NOT dead.
Controller-(B+)The Sixaxis controller is absolutely awesome, it's lighter, the tilt sensors work great, and are implemented well in a lot of multiplatform games, the lack of rumble is also barely even noticeable, the Playstation button is also a nice small addition.
Console-(A+)This is where the PS3 shines, it's an absolute technical marvel, even at the steep price of $600. The XMB is great and packs in a bunch of stuff like a web browser. It's digital audio and HDMI ports make it cutting edge as well, with crisp sound and graphical detail, the many USB ports and media bay that reads just about every memory card also help out immensely, as well as the 60 GB hard drive, which you won't begin to fill. The console is also downright sexy, being uberly shiny, and the chrome highlights definitely add to the appeal.
Games-(C+)This is the one area where the PS3 is seemingly lacking, Resistance is a show stopper, and Ridge Racer 7 is another great PS3 exclusive, however, these are the only two good exclusives, and when it comes down to it, that's the only thing that really matters.
Download Service-(B-)The Playstation Store is well crafted, and will only surely get better over time, it offers both PSP and PS3 downloads as well, which offers a fair ammount of multiplatform bliss, this is definitely the place to watch, and its off to a great start.
Overall: B
Game to get: Resistance: Fall of Man