TOR had one major problem that even preceded the launch: the story. Star Wars has a rich mythology and countless ways to get the player engaged. However, TOR MMO went back in time further to the KOTR days and most people will never know the KOTR story if they have not played the actual game. If Bioware was trying to attract a large audience, going back to even deeper in the past and leaving familiar territory that fans already know is a recipe for failure.
I played TOR from day one and quit the game last week. While I loved the actual story to get to max level, the game became quite boring and of course like many MMOs, raiding took priority. It was about raid all the time to get the best gear, then of course, new patch, minor new content, and your gear is outdated.
The world event was a very dull and did not add to the story of the game. While I liked the raids ( no more spending hours trying to figure out boss strat), my interest began to wane considerably after seeing what had to be accomplished.
PVP was a completely failure in my opinion. The few maps and easily exploited cheats by the Empire made PVP pointless on many occasion.
Space missions: I never really saw the value. Rail type shooters with no significant progress being made in the main story.
The daily quests at 50 were quite bland..even more so than WOW.
The only real thing I liked about the game was the early story and crafting. I found the crafting to be unique, but some of the epic gear you could make was BOP...totally pointless if you are trying to equip your guild!
Finally, bugs, bugs, bugs. I can appreciate the programming talent that went into TOR and the millions upon millions of lines of code working behind the scene. But months into the game, we still had game-crashing bugs that never should have been present.
I think SWTOR will last a bit longer but players like myself will leave in greater droves. The interest level is not maintained and the storyline is set into an unfamiliar realm that most people, even regular sci-fi followers, will find dull.
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