hey forget what i said about the safe mode hing. jus go to the folder where the demo is installed. then look for a folder named support. inside there must be a dx9 folder and another file named vcredist_86x. run it and ull be able to play.
run the game in safe mode. if using steam just right click on fear 2 demo\properties\set launch options. on the box type -safemode this starts the game on my PC. if not using steam then find a way to run it on safe mode. i think its gonna work.
ok heres the thing. i got my computer around 3 months ago. there were quad cores at that time but i chose to get a dual core to save money and thinkin that its not necessary. but suddenly GTA 4 came out and all those articles sayin u wont survive without a quad core. it made me think a lot about getting a quad core cpu but the thing is that i dnt think its a need for now. anyway my question is for those of u guys who still have Core 2 Duo's, would u upgrade to Core 2 Quad's or would u wait for another year and then get new high-end sys considering the fact that Intel i7 series are out already.
plz dnt reply ''OFCOURSE, quad cores are faster '' or somethin like that. i already know that. im jus asking if u would keep ur Dual core or think its time upgrade to QUad cores. ( cuz i dont think so).
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