Art? Dude... Have you seen the stock photo used for tali? She was photo shopped with a picture taken from Also one of the endings is a picture from devart. And the explosions? Red, blue and green. WOW! So many choices!! Rethink your line of writing bud.
The game failed long term mass effect fans in alot of ways, the ending being the worst. A few spoilers ahead. Harbinger was supposed to gain control of the citadel and sever the races leaders. As mentioned in previous games. Instead the citadel controls the reapers? Also the child AI mentions that all organic life is preserved in the reaper form. How is this possible when in ME 2 it is mentioned that the reapers takes the form of the organics that they conquer. ( The protheans were unable to be harvested. Forgot the reason. ) Not to mention the human reaper that was being constructed. The endings are all the same basically with more questions than answers. What happened to the other races? Did the relay explosions kill everybody? ( Arrival dlc shows the destructive force of a relay destruction. Wipes out an entire cluster. ) Is the normandy crew doomed to become inbreeds on an isolated planet? Its obvious they changed the original ME writers and decided to just get it over with. Extremely disappointing...
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