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I feel so hagged right now, two weeks full of final exams and I feel brain dead. So finally after taking the final final exam and now am a college graduate!! My final exam grades have been sent to the head chair for a final look over but all are passing and I have more then my share of overtime and classes not have a bomb dropped right on my head. So what next? I was talking to my old teacher who I've stayed in contact with over the years since I've been out of HS who's become a very dear friend. She asked what I planned to do next? rest? get a job? I told her I wanted to finally get that BA I've wanted for awhile. A BA in history. There's so many colleges offering online courses to get the BA, so I won't have to worry about gas and going back and forth between college and home. This summer though, am taking a break and research all the colleges. My graduation will be held at 2 in the afternoon! I am so glad it's being held inside or I be a fried egg before I got to the stage! Now off to REST!


So am getting ready for my final exams. Am a nervous wreak and getting over being very sick *sighs* I hope by the second week of May I'll be free!!! And a college grad to boot! ^_-

Spring Break and V for Vendetta

Whoop! Spring Break is FINALLY HERE! A much needed break on my part after all the mock tests and exams and math hours to get in...*sighs* So relaxing, I started checking into the new movies and tada! V for Vendetta should be out this week! Oddly enough I happen to have picked up the old comic when I was an old comic geek. Am happy they kept to V's very Robin Hood-ish look. His mask always kinda freaked me out-but in a good way. I mean compare to what was going on in the comic, it was freaking and cool. I never had a chance to get done reading it, but I hope to watch then movie to see if they kept to comic cause it's a great comic to ruin. I was surpise to have found out Hugo Weaving will be playing V! (ie: Mr.Smith and Lord Elrond) I may drag my amiga to go see it with me :D I got my first emblem as well :D *poses* Thanks to mi amigos! *listens to Superbeast -Rob Zombie and goes off to bum around*

Hidden DMC3:SE Master Code

HA! I knew there had to be a master code for SE! I was riggggggghhhhhhttttt *does a dance* Not that I use it NOW that I have unlocked almost everything in the game already. Expect for a few artworks and movies nothing totally new. Although I was able to see the spoof CGs of DMC Dante vs Nelo fighting game and my all-time fave DMC Katamari! If anyone has trouble with the code, it does work. It took me a few trys to get it to work alright, but it does work! :) SE Master Code: On the title screen "hold" R1 + R2 + L1 + L2 + up and left on the control pad + down right on the left anolog You know it's active when you hear someone say "Devil May Cry"

Ultraviolet the moive: Worth it?

So just saw the trailer for the new moive Ultraviolet. I had to do a double take, thinking it was an old trailer for AeonFlux. While watching the trailer I felt that is was a chessy rip off. BTW: Am a huge fan of the "cartoon" of AeonFlux, but I found the moive pretty crappy to say the least. So I went to check out what this moive was about: Ultraviolet is set in the 21st with a group of subculture of super humans with the use of vampire blood to make them kick ass, humans get scared and start killing off the superhumans one by one. One superhuman called Violet starts to fight back trying to save her life. If anyone thinks they "heard" this before, it's been done before. The action and stunts reminds me of Kill Bill and the movie style of AeonFlux. The actress who plays Violet looked like someone I've seen more. And what do you know it's Milla Jovovich mostly knowing for her RE moive as Alice. I don't know if I'll waste my 5 bucks on seening this or just skip out and waste 5 bucks renting it out. The soundtrack sounds good though with the song playing in the trailer by Jem called 24. Then again, I just may check out the overseas moive coming to the US...

Norton AntiVirus is a POS

Am giving up on using Norron for awhile. Yesterday was the third time I had to reinstall my antivirus. I loved my 2004 version and had no troubles for the two years I had it. I upgraded it to 2005 thinking it be the same and I have no trouble. BS! Not only has this happen , but I have no idea if they fixed that .rar scan deal, where your antivirus would be weaken when scanning a .rar file and could be hacked into when your antivirus is busy otherwise. Am looking into getting another antivirus hopefully by the end of the month, when I get some $$ from some freelance web designing I did for a small business. At the moment am pretty much poor and broke from spending all my cash on two rare doujinshis! Getting your hands on doujinshi is work in itself, I had to contact a dealer in Japan to get me one of them and the other I was VERY lucky to have got the last copy they had. Yeah, I rock. Something to look forward to this cold and windy week.

My DMC3:SE Review

   I think I have played enough SE to riot my mind on DMC forever. (or Vergil but well...)

    So as I've been playing this, I happen to read a few reviews on SE, so call "fans" of DMC have really asked this over and over "was it worth me buying it" my answer to them? Hell Yes!
     I adore DMC3 more and more, Capcom gave you a little perk to an already game with thr addition of playing Vergil and Bloody Palace. They didn't have to do this, but they did and they did a great job. Vergil is great to play as and real fun to learn about in moves and his own new style. Which is a cross between the style Swordmaster and Trickster. I have no where near learn how to truly use this style like I have with RG and SM styles.

     Some things have been changed in order for Vergil, like the Secret Missions. Some have been kept the same for you to really have a hellva time getting that blue orb!

   Bosses didn't give me to much trouble,(Jester was so easy, but fun to fight with his dumbass comments) expect Geryon, that without Air Hike you have to dodge more and be quick. One thing I missed in the game was Air Hike with Vergil.

   Another thing that some will miss is the cutscenes, if you play as vergil you will have No cutscenes. None. Zip. Zero. New outfits, are great which you may need when playing Bloody Palace. 
   I like BP, but felt bored after level 4000 and finally died, from just sheer boredon. It's fun fighting waves and waves of demons, but after a while it gets a little boring. But they do throw you some hard bosses. Some levels in BP may seem so easy you can just use your guns. Sometimes it's so hard you wish you could have just skipped this level as your health goes down.

   Overall, it's a wonderful extra to a great and kickass game.Vergil is great fun and as one of his tauts made me laugh and you just knew it was him:

   "Hmph!..How Boring"

Vergil! Vergil! Vergil! Vergil!

 Today is the day! If you haven't order , got or pre-order your copy of DMC3: SE, you must be dead!

      Am so looking forward to playing Vergil *fangirl moment*...*coughs and zooms off*

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