I dont know if anyone else was done this but i was playing zombie verruckt offline by myselfand i got to level ten only using melee atttacks. i was using the last zombie stategy and shot the legs of the last zombie so it crawled. and when i went into the room with the torture chair in it the screen started shaking and it went blurry round the sides i then thought that this was a flashback as the room was quite clean and the windows were still there i then saw a doctor (richtofen??) wearing a face mask. "operating" on a patient in the chair. an alarm then sounded and the doctor left. after aboutten seconds the patient tried to leave and couldnt do it. there was then a sound of a zombie and sure enough one came in from the right and went for the patient. it started biting at him. then more and more zombies started coming in and tearing at him they then ripped him off the chair leaving only his arm behind and carried him off out of the screen. there was screams and zombies noises a few gun shots were sounded and some other screams. i then reverted back to the actual game exactly were i left off.
if anyone else has done this please tell me becaus eit is the first and only time i have been able to
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