If the ps3 is an example then u sir will have the last laugh. games like journey, infamouse, uncharted, and the amazing last of us, u know sony will deliver throue out the ps4s life cykle... and lett them call u what they want, enjoy ur console and dont even bring it up, and when they are at ur place they will for sure be impressed by the visualls:)
rannoni's forum posts
So I downloaded Wipeout HD for free during that whole PSN fiasco and just recently came back to it... I have no idea what most of the menus mean or what's going on when I'm in a race. This game is completely confusing and unclear to me... It was like that when I first downloaded it and it remains so now... Any help would be greatly appreciated.
its a racing game, have u played a racing game before? If not then this isnt a good one to start with, its very fast paced and if u dont get good at the R2 and L2 brakes u will never like the game... start with that i say
How dare u talk down on CAPITALISMS greatest days!!!!!! I do agree with u though... But if we go DD only, how will the CE be in the future..How about you forget so much about giving and getting material gifts and give your time, your energy and your love? I hate Christmas because of the rush to purchase crap.
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