honestly, buy the official sony bluetooth mic. it works fine and when you're battery is low, you can plug the charger into the usb and still use it while charging (speaker mode) or plug the usb cord directly into the headset and charge while its on your ear
ransomink's forum posts
i would have dragon age: origins take my 3rd spot but i havent played it yet, tho when i do i kno it'll be up there. i hope resonance of fate will be good. the battle system is intriguing so far, but story is a main factor for me as well
use ps3 media server, the best there is. you dont need to download any codec packs, it reads your computer files from the ps3 and works with mkv files as well. my other option would be tversity media server (need codecs for this one)...unless you can plug an HDMI cord from your computer to the tv, then there is no need
ive had ppl quit during co-op as well, really sucks. sometimes they just stand there - as if they left from the controller - an i cant continue. the only time ive had trouble matchmaking in uncharted 2 is when i have a big party of 4-5 players. feel free to add me,
PSN: random_Xinc
ive only gotten sick by playing killzone 2. i think everyone can agree with that. uncharted's gameplay is nice an fluid and much easier for me to track. i get the same problem with MW2 now tho, its turned into a twitch game. the frame rate is smooth but way too fast. its whoever shoots first (no recoil at all, either)
But...it's made by EA?n00bkidits not developed by EA, they are the publishers. DICE is making BF:BC2 - strictly, the team that made BF2 for the pc
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