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ratboys Blog

something something

Hey everyone! It's 4:16 am as I begin to write this so please excuse any incoherent rant I may delve into or any retardedness I may eventually say ehehe.

Life's been cool, my 18th birthday was this January so it's kinda late to blog about it :P, got myself a new bass (an Ibanez SR605), I'll probably post some pics of it soon, wonderful bass imo, a joy to play.

But anyway, I thought I'd talk about some of the games I got since my last real blog (ages ago :P), and I'd have to say my gaming persona has been rather diminished unfortunately, I tend to play less and less, but well, what can I say? It's more of an interest shift than anything else, even though I still enjoy gaming a lot, I just tend to not dedicate myself to it as I did before, but I digress.

I got Left 4 Dead 2 last December and it's a rather awesome game! But I have to say, if you don't have any friends to play with then I'd probably put it off, seeing that even though the community is not that bad, the game's pros won't show much if you're playing with bots or strangers. All said I'd recommend it to anyone wanting to go on a zombie killing spree ;)

left 4 dead 2 dead space

Another game I got recently, and I must add I'm a little late to the party, isDead Space. Definitely one hell of a game and I have yet tofinish it,the graphics are nice, the story so far makes sense, and it's survival horror in motherf****ing space! What more can you want? I honestly don't know :P

Next games on my list are Portal 2, Mortal Kombat and Dead Space 2 after I finish the first one and that's pretty much about it gaming-wise.

Going to my high school senior trip next week and I'm really looking forward to it, a little bit of resting and partying before the exams is exactly what I need right now.

- Ratboys

Merry Cynichristmas!

Hey everyone!

Hope the holidays have been good for you and all of your wishes have come true, yada yada yada...

Well, year by year (since my father passed away) I have come to realize I hate 80% of my family. Christmases are that time of year I already naturally hate, but the added amount of cynicism and hypocrisy in the breast (yup, breast :P) of my family is seriously pathetic.

There is a person that pretty much destroys everything and this year was no different, from the back of the shoulder comments with a disgusting little grin, to the pointless discussions over nothing... but at least she gave me booze :P.

Well I'd go more into detail, but I think no one cares so I'll stop my senseless ramblings about my crappy family.

Here's some hoping that you guys have some fun in new year's eve (I'm sure I'll have :)) and that 2011 is way more awesome than this year ahaha!


Still... alive?

Hey everyone!

It has been a while I guess. I'm writing this blog to know how many of you little buggers are still out here. Kinda miss you guys :oops: :P

A little breakdown of my life is needed atm I guess, so here ya go:

Nothing important in my life hapened;

School goes on (last year of high school ftw);

Consumerism season is upon us and therefore I shall get drunk in front of my family with free booze;

Going to get my driver's license next year;

Currently writing this blog that will probably prove itself to you as a rather disapointing attempt at anything that resembles an entertaining reading.

I guess that's about it... Now it's YOUR turn to tell me what's happened recently in your life :P

(Seriously considering starting this blog again)


Talk about politics!

Don't worry mates I didn't come here to talk about politics but to talk about politicians :P

This week the social-democratic party came to my high school in order to catch some votes for the district elections, and their strategy does need to be praised, in order to get said votes they gave out free beer. Well, I think that's what every high school kid wants. and it sure worked but maybe they forgot that like only 1/6th of my school's population is actually old enough to vote, so way to go spending the tax payers money!

Bravo politicians for making the world go round. *end sarcasm*


Wow. That was absence at its worst!

Well hey everyone it's been more than a year since I last wrote here so you've probably been thinking if I wasdead or something like that :P but no, I'm still here just didn't have the time or the patience to come here.

Well my life has had some twists and turns for the past year and since you're all so anxious to know what happened to me (of course not xD) then I'll let you in on it.

Well I don't remember anything really special happening from september to december so I'll skip those months.

In December I started playing bass and I'm actually getting pretty good at it 8) and Christmas was great with my family and all. Nice month.

Well in January everything hits the sh*tter and it was one of the worst months of my whole life. Well, my father suffered from cancer for like 8 months or more I can't really remember and 4 days after my birthday and 4 days before his, he passed away which made me feel devastated and completely empty inside (my hands are kindof shaking as I type this). It was a feeling I never want to experience again and I hope that no one feels that way EVER. Watching someone you love slowly die in front of you while you can't do anything to help that person is completely frustrating and in more than a way, life changing and you get the notion that life ain't that big and you gotta apreciate the things you have and never take anything for granted and just enjoy life. January was also when I knew my grandpa passed away few days after my father which just added insult to injury.

Enough sadness guys lets get into some happier themes now shall we.

The school year passed without any real surprises except the last day of school where me and my mates got drunk and went to class for a Philosophy test :P greatest test ever hahaha.

Then came Summer holidays and I hung out with my mates every day, we went out at night to catch a beer or two and just went to parties organised by us xD and had a blast.

Also in the Summer I joined a band comprised of some awesome people that I'm glad I can call my friends. We play a sort of Groove Metal kind of thing with some influences of melodic death metal, death metal and thrash metal. When we actually record anything I'll post the myspace link here.

Well then holidays were over and the massacre began again. I have one of the crappiest schedules at school and my class from last year got split into 2 classes but at least I have my best friends from last year in my class.

I think that was pretty much it. I thought I'd have much more to say but life shouldn't be kept in words...

I hope everyone's having a great time!



2 years on GS

Today's my 2nd GS anniversary and I haven't acomplished much :P But they were 2 good years thanks to all my friends here on GS. ;)

I'd like to thank all of my friends but specially:

Pigfish- My first GS friend if I'm not mistaken, a pretty cool chap :P he helped me out in the beginning and he also helped me get some friends.

Matt- A really cool guy with awesome tastes in gaming and a nice guy to have as a friend overall. Add him as a friend if you haven't yet ;)

Liam- This guy is just one of the most random, sometimes weird (buttsecks anyone?) friends I have but he is a nice guy and he comments on everyone's blogs.

Maskedgamer1- One of the coolest photoshop user I know. He did my profile banner and the one on my (DEAD) union, he comments on most of my blogs and is a nice friend to have.

SuperMario46- One of my first friends and a Guns n' Roses freak (in a good way) was more active before but he's mostly on GiantBomb nowadays, but nevertheless a cool guy.

Giorgio- One great friend of mine too, he comments on all my blogs and shares most of my opinions about life in general and in games too. And both of us suffer from crappy conditions to get games such as the shops and the shippings.

TyZeRViRus- Another great friend of mine. This guy is always in trouble at school but usually turns it around, a great boxer and a party animal of sorts :P add him on MSN and you'll see he's a great guy.

Dellrizia- Even though he hasn't blogged in a s***load of time he is still pretty active in the forums. He was also one of my first friends and he taught me how to make an Hellgast cocktail, who does that? This guy!

Basically I think I've covered my greatest friends here but don't feel bad if you didn't make the list.

Coming back to my life and recent happenings today was my second day at school and it was rather calm today unlike yesterday where I got pranked to my knees :P. Today I had my first English lesson and my teacher can't even speak English correctly. She said wold instead of world 3 times and couldn't even pronounce engineer. Not to mention she sounded retarded because she tried to make a British accent she couldn't handle and gagged.

Anyway school is being awesome and I already made some new friends.

Cheers everyone!


School starts tomorrow :(

Yup, as of tomorrow my summer is officially over. I'm going to start year 10 and my classes are:

Portuguese, English, Philosophy and P.E. (these were the ones that I didn't have a choice)

Maths A, Physics A, Chemistry A and Geometry (the ones I actually chose)

And I'm also a freshman at my school so it's going to be survival of the fittest :P


lvl 26 + life

I'm now lvl 26 so bow down to me jk

This past week I've been sick with a little flu but I'm ok now.

Yesterday I was at a games convention here in Lisbon which is REALLY rare to happen so it was awesome and I showed up in the news playing GH3 and in the retro gaming section of the event with a friend

I'm also really close to my GS anniversary (sept. 17) and school starts next week


Fun and not so fun...

I think I'm gonna start with the fun bit. So yesterday I went to a concert of a Portuguese band called Da Weasel which was really cool but I had seen them before, and then I went to a party of a brother of a friend of mine that lasted all night :) with lots of people obviously with some girls ;) and a lot of drinks. It was an awesome party, they had set up a kind of outdoor club with all the blinking lights a Dj and everything, then at like 3 am we went downstairs and played Ping-Pong, GH3 and table-football.

But then, still at the party and at about 9.40 am the "not so fun" part of this blog came, we were at my friend's bedroom just chillin' and then he decided to show me something on his computer... something called Two girls and one cup. I must say that I'm now scared for life and that words can't describe how disgusted I felt, anyone who has seen it probably shares my opinion.

Anyway it was, overall, an awesome night!


Finally! (UT3) and new GS look.

Finally I managed to play UT3 on the PC after long hours of frustration in front of the screen. All I have to say is that it's a great game but It's taking some time to get used to and seeing the last time I played a PC FPS was like half a year ago it doesn't surprise me. If anyone out there (the blog universe :P) plays UT3 and can give some tips to a n00b please let me know.

Moving on to Gamespot Wide as they call it, I didn't really like it at first and even though I don't really like it now, I'm already getting used to it. And yup it looks a lot like GiantBomb. The problem will be when it reaches the Forums and the unions. :(
