Well hey everyone it's been more than a year since I last wrote here so you've probably been thinking if I wasdead or something like that :P but no, I'm still here just didn't have the time or the patience to come here.
Well my life has had some twists and turns for the past year and since you're all so anxious to know what happened to me (of course not xD) then I'll let you in on it.
Well I don't remember anything really special happening from september to december so I'll skip those months.
In December I started playing bass and I'm actually getting pretty good at it 8) and Christmas was great with my family and all. Nice month.
Well in January everything hits the sh*tter and it was one of the worst months of my whole life. Well, my father suffered from cancer for like 8 months or more I can't really remember and 4 days after my birthday and 4 days before his, he passed away which made me feel devastated and completely empty inside (my hands are kindof shaking as I type this). It was a feeling I never want to experience again and I hope that no one feels that way EVER. Watching someone you love slowly die in front of you while you can't do anything to help that person is completely frustrating and in more than a way, life changing and you get the notion that life ain't that big and you gotta apreciate the things you have and never take anything for granted and just enjoy life. January was also when I knew my grandpa passed away few days after my father which just added insult to injury.
Enough sadness guys lets get into some happier themes now shall we.
The school year passed without any real surprises except the last day of school where me and my mates got drunk and went to class for a Philosophy test :P greatest test ever hahaha.
Then came Summer holidays and I hung out with my mates every day, we went out at night to catch a beer or two and just went to parties organised by us xD and had a blast.
Also in the Summer I joined a band comprised of some awesome people that I'm glad I can call my friends. We play a sort of Groove Metal kind of thing with some influences of melodic death metal, death metal and thrash metal. When we actually record anything I'll post the myspace link here.
Well then holidays were over and the massacre began again. I have one of the crappiest schedules at school and my class from last year got split into 2 classes but at least I have my best friends from last year in my class.
I think that was pretty much it. I thought I'd have much more to say but life shouldn't be kept in words...
I hope everyone's having a great time!